Jian-Guo Ma, Yu-Man Li, Shu-Lin Wang, Huai-de Zhu, Meng-Fan Yao, Xiao-Bo Wang
Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology 2023 AugTo understand the formation process of typical poisonous plant degraded grassland, we studied the cha-racteristics of vegetation and soil during the gradual expansion of Ligularia virgaurea into the native grassland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results showed that population density, plant height, coverage, and biomass of L. virgaurea increased during the formation of L. virgaurea degraded grassland. In comparison with native grassland, the degraded grassland had higher total aboveground biomass (113.9%), soil total nitrogen concentration (61.0%), NH4+-N (77.9%), organic carbon concentration (45.3%), available phosphorus concentration (78.8%) as well as soil microbial biomass carbon (42.1%) and nitrogen (47.4%), but lower NO3--N (40.1%) and species richness (28.5%) and aboveground biomass (45.7%) of other species beyond L. virgaurea. The extremely strong abilities of interspecific inhibition and morphological plasticity of L. virgaurea, as well as efficient nutrient accumulation and utilization were the keys to its successful expansion, which facilitated the formation of typical L. virgaurea degraded grassland.
Jian-Guo Ma, Yu-Man Li, Shu-Lin Wang, Huai-de Zhu, Meng-Fan Yao, Xiao-Bo Wang. Soil and vegetation characteristics during the formation of typical Ligularia virgaurea degraded grassland. Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology. 2023 Aug;34(8):2153-2160
PMID: 37681379
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