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    Our study aimed to examine whether there are differences in the proliferation trend of microsporidia in mosquito larvae of the same genus (Culex spp.). DNA-barcoding and quantitative analyses were used to determine microsporidian rDNA copies in 'early' (L1 + L2) and 'late' (L3 + L4) Culex larvae in a natural population. In the study area, C. pipiens and C. torrentium larvae were infected by 'Microsporidium' sp. PL03 at similar levels. Infection by this microsporidian species probably elicits a notable immune response in C. pipiens, whereas in C. torrentium, it may evade or suppress the host immune response. Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Artur Trzebny, Sylwia Jedut, Olena Nahimova, Miroslawa Dabert. Differences in the proliferation trend of 'Microsporidium' sp. PL03 in Culex pipiens and C. torrentium larvae. Journal of invertebrate pathology. 2023 Sep 09;201:107990

    PMID: 37690679

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