Mitochondria are essential for normal cellular function and have emerged as key aging determinants. Indeed, defects in mitochondrial function have been linked to cardiovascular, skeletal muscle and neurodegenerative diseases, premature aging, and age-linked diseases. Here, we describe mechanisms for mitochondrial protein and organelle quality control. These surveillance mechanisms mediate repair or degradation of damaged or mistargeted mitochondrial proteins, segregate mitochondria based on their functional state during asymmetric cell division, and modulate cellular fitness, the response to stress, and lifespan control in yeast and other eukaryotes. © 2023 The Authors. IUBMB Life published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Emily Jie-Ning Yang, Pin-Chao Liao, Liza Pon. Mitochondrial protein and organelle quality control-Lessons from budding yeast. IUBMB life. 2024 Feb;76(2):72-87
PMID: 37731280
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