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Effective and safe therapies for the treatment of diseases caused by intraerythrocytic parasites are impeded by the rapid emergence of drug resistance and the lack of novel drug targets. One such disease is human babesiosis, which is a rapidly emerging tick-borne illness caused by Babesia parasites. In this study, we identified fosinopril, a phosphonate-containing, FDA-approved angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor commonly used as a prodrug for hypertension and heart failure, as a potent inhibitor of Babesia duncani parasite development within human erythrocytes. Cell biological and mass spectrometry analyses revealed that the conversion of fosinopril to its active diacid molecule, fosinoprilat, is essential for its antiparasitic activity. We show that this conversion is mediated by a parasite-encoded esterase, BdFE1, which is highly conserved among apicomplexan parasites. Parasites carrying the L238H mutation in the active site of BdFE1 failed to convert the prodrug to its active moiety and became resistant to the drug. Our data set the stage for the development of this class of drugs for the therapy of vector-borne parasitic diseases. Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Pratap Vydyam, Jae-Yeon Choi, Shalev Gihaz, Meenal Chand, Meital Gewirtz, Jose Thekkiniath, Stefano Lonardi, Joseph C Gennaro, Choukri Ben Mamoun. Babesia BdFE1 esterase is required for the anti-parasitic activity of the ACE inhibitor fosinopril. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2023 Nov;299(11):105313

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PMID: 37797695

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