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    The hybrid operation room - with a robotic arm equipped angiographic device - started its operation in November 2019 at the Department of Neurosurgery, Szeged, Hungary. We report the benefits of the hybrid operation room in the neurosurgery practice based on our results and experiences of the last 1.5 years. 576 operations took place between 15. 11. 2019 and 01. 03. 2021, which include 332 neurointerventions amd 244 skull-brain and spine surgeries. By using Siemens ARTIS pheno®, we performed purely catheter only interventions or surgical only interventions, but combined treatments were also performed in several cases (catheter and surgical intervention). Thanks to ARTIS pheno® versatility, it is used as a modern imaging system in preoperative examination or as navigation system in spine surgery and control imaging for intra- and postoperative examinations. We created three categories based on the results of the last months according to the need of using the hybrid operation room for the given operation: (1) strongly recommended, (2) recommended, (3) advantageous. Strongly recommended: if the two teams (surgical and interventional team) have to work together during the operation. Recommended: if the two teams are not participating together in the operation, but the other team is on standby and may join the operation if necessary. Advantageous: this category means the possibility of performing control imaging before the wound closure. Based on our experience, the hybrid operation room provides significant help in neurosurgery. It has become part of our daily care, and we think it is indispensable in the work of a neurosurgery center. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(43): 1701-1711.


    Tamás Németh, Gellérd Márkos-Gergely, Ádám Varga, Péter Hausinger, Valéria Majoros, Pál Barzó. The benefits of a hybrid operation room in neurosurgery. Orvosi hetilap. 2023 Oct 29;164(43):1701-1711

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    PMID: 37898920

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