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Rwebembera J, Marangou J, Mwita JC, Mocumbi AO, Mota C, Okello E, Nascimento B, Thorup L, Beaton A, Kado J, Kaethner A, Kumar RK, Lawrenson J, Marijon E, Mirabel M, Nunes MCP, Piñeiro D, Pinto F, Ralston K, Sable C, Sanyahumbi A, Saxena A, Sliwa K, Steer A, Viali S, Wheaton G, Wilson N, Zühlke L, Reményi B. 2023 World Heart Federation guidelines for the echocardiographic diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease. Nature reviews. Cardiology. 2024 Apr;21(4):250-263


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