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    Realistic benchmarks can serve as comparators for optometrists wishing to engage in clinical practice audits of their glaucoma care. The iCareTrack study established the appropriateness of glaucoma care delivery through clinical record audits of Australian optometry practices. Benchmarks required for monitoring and improving glaucoma care delivery do not exist. This study developed realistic benchmarks for glaucoma care and then benchmarked the performance of practices from the iCareTrack study to establish aspects of care that warrant attention from quality improvement initiatives. Benchmarks were developed from the pre-existing iCareTrack dataset using the Achievable Benchmarks of Care (ABC) method. The iCareTrack study had audited the appropriateness of glaucoma care delivery against 37 clinical indicators for 420 randomly sampled glaucoma patient records from 42 Australian optometry practices. The four-step ABC method calculates benchmarks based on the top 10% of best-performing practices adjusted for low patient encounter numbers. iCareTrack results were compared to the benchmarks to explore the distribution of practices that were at, above or below benchmark. Benchmarks were developed for 34 of 37 iCareTrack indicators. For 26 (of 34) indicators, the benchmarks were at or above 90% appropriateness. The benchmarks for 14 (of 34) iCareTrack indicators were met by more than 80% of eligible practices, indicating excellent performance. Some aspects of glaucoma care such as peripheral anterior angle assessment, applanation tonometry, and visual field assessment appeared to be delivered sub-optimally by optometrists when compared to the benchmarks. This study established benchmarks for glaucoma care delivery in optometry practices that reflect realistic and top achievable performance. The large number of indicators with benchmarks above 90% confirmed that glaucoma care can and should be delivered by optometrists at very high levels of appropriateness. Benchmarking identified pockets of sub-optimal performance that can now be targeted by quality improvement initiatives.


    Melinda Toomey, Rajendra Gyawali, Kam Chun Ho, Fiona Stapleton, Lisa Keay, Isabelle Jalbert. Developing realistic benchmarks for glaucoma care delivery. Clinical & experimental optometry. 2024 Mar;107(2):196-203

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    PMID: 37952255

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