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    Hepatic lipidosis in dairy cows is the result of a disturbed balance between the uptake of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), their metabolism in the hepatocytes, and the limited efflux of TG as very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). Lipidosis and the associated risk for ketosis represents a consequence of selecting dairy cows primarily for milk production without considering the basic physiological mechanisms of this trait. The overall risk for lipidosis and ketosis possesses a genetic background and the recently released new breeding value of the German Holstein Friesian cows now sets the path for correction of this risk and in that confirms the assumed genetic threat. Ectopic fat deposition in the liver is the result of various steps including lipolysis, uptake of fat by the liver cell, its metabolism, and finally release as very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL). These reactions may be modulated directly or indirectly and hence, serve as basis for prophylactic measures. The pertaining methods are described in order to support an improved understanding of the pathogenesis of lipidosis and ketosis. They consist of feeding a glucogenic diet, restricted feeding during the close-up time as well as supplementation with choline, niacin, carnitine, or the reduction of milking frequency. Prophylactic measures for the prevention of ketosis are also included in this discussion. Thieme. All rights reserved.


    Holger Martens. The lipidosis in the liver of the dairy cow: Part 2 Genetic predisposition and prophylaxis]. Tierarztliche Praxis. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/Nutztiere. 2023 Oct;51(5):305-313

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    PMID: 37956673

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