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SMARCB1/INI1-deficient soft tissue tumors with epithelioid and myxoid features are diverse and mainly include soft tissue myoepithelial tumor, extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma, and the recently described myoepithelioma-like tumor of the vulvar region and myxoepithelioid tumor with chordoid features. Because of their overlapping features, the accurate diagnosis and classification of these tumors are often challenging. Herein, we report two unique cases of SMARCB1/INI1-deficient soft tissue neoplasm with epithelioid and myxoid features occurring in male paratesticular region. The first case was a 52-year-old man presented with an intermittent painful left paratesticular mass for 1 year. The second case was a 41-year-old man presented with a painless paratesticular mass on the right side for 3 months. Both patients underwent an orchiectomy. After 6 and 26 months of follow-up, both were alive with no evidence of recurrence or metastasis. In both cases, the tumor was relatively well-demarcated and showed monomorphic round to epithelioid cells arranged in a nested, trabecular, reticular, and corded pattern, setting in a myxohyalinized and vascularized matrix. The tumor cells showed relatively uniform round nuclei with vesicular chromatin and variably prominent nucleoli. No rhabdoid cells were identified. Mitoses numbered 3 and 2 per 10 high-power fields. Tumor necrosis or lymphovascular invasion was absent. Immunohistochemically, both tumors expressed epithelial membrane antigen (focal), calponin (focal), and CD99. SMARCB1/INI1 expression was deficient in both cases. In addition, case 1 diffusely expressed pan-cytokeratin, and case 2 diffusely expressed CD34 and synaptophysin. Molecular genetically, case 1 showed SMARCB1 homozygous deletion as detected by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), and case 2 demonstrated SMARCB1 copy number deletions by next-generation sequencing and SMARCB1 monoallelic deletion by FISH. Both cases lacked EWSR1 rearrangements by FISH. The overall clinicopathologic profiles of the two cases made it difficult to classify them as one of the established categories of SMARCB1/INI1-deficient mesenchymal tumors. Our study further expands the clinicopathologic and molecular spectrum of SMARCB1/INI1-deficient epithelioid and myxoid neoplasms and highlights the challenges to diagnose these tumors. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Xiaona Yin, Xiaoqun Yang, Suying Wang, Jue Zhou, Ming Zhao. SMARCB1/INI1-deficient epithelioid and myxoid neoplasms in paratesticular region: Expanding the clinicopathologic and molecular spectrum. Annals of diagnostic pathology. 2024 Feb;68:152242

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PMID: 38039617

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