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  • bladder (1)
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  • mesonephros (4)
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  • mullerian ducts (1)
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    We previously showed that the anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), infiltrating from the testis to the mesonephros reaches the cranial and middle regions of the Müllerian duct (MD) and induces their regression using an organ culture in mice. However, it is difficult to maintain structural integrity, such as the length and diameter and normal direction of elongation of the caudal region of the MD, in conventional organ culture systems. Therefore, the pathway of AMH to the caudal MD region remains uncharted. In this study, we established an organ culture method that can maintain the morphology of the caudal region of the MD. The gonad-mesonephros complex, metanephros, and urinary bladder of mouse fetuses at 12.5 dpc attached to the body trunk were cultured on agarose gels for 72 hr. The cultured caudal region of the mesonephros was elongated along the body trunk, and the course of the mesonephros was maintained in many individuals. In males, mesenchymal cells aggregated around the MD after culture. Moreover, the male MD diameter was significantly smaller than the female. Based on these results, it was concluded that the development of the MD was maintained in the present organ culture system. Using this culture system, AMH infiltration to the caudal region of the MD can be examined without the influence of AMH in the blood. This culture system is useful for clarifying the regression mechanism of the caudal region of the MD.


    Shiori Kato, Toshifumi Yokoyama, Taisei Fujikawa, Yusuke Kirizuki, Youhei Mantani, Takanori Miki, Nobuhiko Hoshi. Establishment of an organ culture system to maintain the structure of mouse Müllerian ducts during development. The Journal of veterinary medical science. 2024 Mar 16;86(3):300-307

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    PMID: 38267037

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