Kirsten Schroll Bjørnsbo, Charlotte Brøns, Mette Aadahl, Freja Bach Kampmann, Camilla Friis Bryde Nielsen, Bjørn Lundbergh, Rasmus Wibaek, Line Lund Kårhus, Anja Lykke Madsen, Christian Stevns Hansen, Kirsten Nørgaard, Niklas Rye Jørgensen, Charlotte Suetta, Michael Kjaer, Niels Grarup, Jørgen Kanters, Michael Larsen, Lars Køber, Klaus Fuglsang Kofoed, Ruth Loos, Torben Hansen, Allan Linneberg, Allan Vaag
BMJ open 2024 Jan 29The population-based Inter99 cohort has contributed extensively to our understanding of effects of a systematic screening and lifestyle intervention, as well as the multifactorial aetiology of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease. To understand causes, trajectories and patterns of early and overt cardiometabolic disease manifestations, we will perform a combined clinical deep phenotyping and registry follow-up study of the now 50-80 years old Inter99 participants. The Inter99 cohort comprises individuals aged 30-60 years, who lived in a representative geographical area of greater Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1999. Age-stratified and sex-stratified random subgroups were invited to participate in either a lifestyle intervention (N=13 016) or questionnaires (N=5264), while the rest served as a reference population (N=43 021). Of the 13 016 individuals assigned to the lifestyle intervention group, 6784 (52%) accepted participation in a baseline health examination in 1999, including screening for cardiovascular risk factors and prediabetic conditions. In total, 6004 eligible participants, who participated in the baseline examination, will be invited to participate in the deep phenotyping 20-year follow-up clinical examination including measurements of anthropometry, blood pressure, arterial stiffness, cardiometabolic biomarkers, coronary artery calcification, heart rate variability, heart rhythm, liver stiffness, fundus characteristics, muscle strength and mass, as well as health and lifestyle questionnaires. In a subsample, 10-day monitoring of diet, physical activity and continuous glucose measurements will be performed. Fasting blood, urine and faecal samples to be stored in a biobank. The established database will form the basis of multiple analyses. A main purpose is to investigate whether low birth weight independent of genetics, lifestyle and glucose tolerance predicts later common T2D cardiometabolic comorbidities. The study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee, Capital Region, Denmark (H-20076231) and by the Danish Data Protection Agency through the Capital Region of Denmark's registration system (P-2020-1074). Informed consent will be obtained before examinations. Findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals, at conferences and via presentations to stakeholders, including patients and public health policymakers. NCT05166447. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2024. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
Kirsten Schroll Bjørnsbo, Charlotte Brøns, Mette Aadahl, Freja Bach Kampmann, Camilla Friis Bryde Nielsen, Bjørn Lundbergh, Rasmus Wibaek, Line Lund Kårhus, Anja Lykke Madsen, Christian Stevns Hansen, Kirsten Nørgaard, Niklas Rye Jørgensen, Charlotte Suetta, Michael Kjaer, Niels Grarup, Jørgen Kanters, Michael Larsen, Lars Køber, Klaus Fuglsang Kofoed, Ruth Loos, Torben Hansen, Allan Linneberg, Allan Vaag. Protocol for the combined cardiometabolic deep phenotyping and registry-based 20-year follow-up study of the Inter99 cohort. BMJ open. 2024 Jan 29;14(1):e078501
PMID: 38286704
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