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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have become a key player in the growth of tumors, the spread of cancer, and the resistance to therapeutic interventions. Targeting these elusive cell populations has the potential to fundamentally alter cancer treatment plans. CSCs, also known as tumor-initiating cells (TICs), are thought to play a role in both medication resistance and cancer recurrence. This is explained by their capacity to regenerate themselves and change into different kinds of cancer cells. Due to their higher expression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) membrane transporters, enhanced epithelial to mesenchymal (EMT) characteristics, improved immune evasion, activation of survival signaling pathways, and improved DNA repair mechanisms, CSCs exhibit extraordinary resistance to therapies. This comprehensive analysis delves into advancements in the domain of Targeted Cancer Stem Cell Therapeutics, concentrating on unraveling the distinctive traits of CSCs and the therapeutic methods devised to eliminate them. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at


Naurin Fatima, Mohammad Umar, Subiya Ambreen, Mohd Shaququzzaman, Mohammad Mumtaz Alam, Ruhi Ali. Targeted Cancer Stem Cell Therapeutics: An Update. Current topics in medicinal chemistry. 2024 Jan 26

PMID: 38288804

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