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Condyloma acuminatum (CA) is a sexually transmitted disease primarily caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, predominantly affecting the genital and anal regions. However, the occurrence of oral condyloma acuminatum (OCA) is relatively infrequent, although its incidence has been gradually rising in recent years. OCA presents unique challenges in terms of treatment efficacy and recurrence prevention due to its concealed location and distinctive anatomical characteristics. In this manuscript, we present a case study involving the use of laser combined with photodynamic therapy (PDT) for managing hard palate OCA. The occurrence of warts in the hard jaw near the soft palate posed challenges during PDT due to involuntary swallowing and nausea. By modifying the conventional PDT approach and replacing the dressing with a cotton swab, the patient experience is more comfortable and therapeutic outcomes is more effective. Remarkably, the procedure resulted in minimal scarring post-operation. The combined approach of laser and PDT demonstrates promising results as a rapid and well-tolerated treatment modality for OCA. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Yimin He, Wending Gao, Feng Cai, Yingying Zhu, Rongjie Zuo, Huan Liu, Ying Gao. Successful treatment of refractory oral condyloma acuminatum through laser-photodynamic therapy combination. Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy. 2024 Apr;46:104005

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PMID: 38373470

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