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Sexual behavior disorders in intellectual disability form several challenges, despite evolutions in treatment options and risk assessment. The use of antilibidinal pharmacotherapy in this population is controversial and research is inconclusive about the most appropriate treatment strategy. To highlight pharmacotherapeutic management of sexual behavior disorders in intellectual disability, its medical and ethical considerations. A literature review to provide an overview of the available literature, which was elaborated based on clinical experience. We found a lack of scientific evidence on the efficacy of pharmacotherapy specifically for sexual behavior disorders in people with intellectual disabilities. The routine use of antilibidinal medication is contraindicated. Medical and ethical guidelines have been published as well as contraindications for initiating androgen deprivation therapy in the general population. The necessity of pharmacotherapy should be closely monitored and supplemented with psychotherapeutic care to cultivate the patient’s sexual skills, attitudes and knowledge. A distinction should be made between sexual behavior disorders of the ‘paraphilic type’ and of the ‘sexually maladjusted or naive type’. Multidisciplinary evaluation, risk assessment and an individualized approach are the cornerstones of high-quality treatment of sexual behavior disorders in persons with intellectual disability.


R Roels, K Goethals, I Jeandarme. Pharmacotherapy in sexual behavior disorders and intellectual disability]. Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie. 2024;66(1):30-35

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PMID: 38380485

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