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Fertilization involves the recognition and fusion of sperm and egg to form a previously unidentified organism. In mammals, surface molecules on the sperm and egg have central roles, and while adhesion is mediated by the IZUMO1-JUNO sperm-egg ligand-receptor pair, the molecule/s responsible for membrane fusion remain mysterious. Recently, MAIA/FCRL3 was identified as a mammalian egg receptor, which bound IZUMO1 and JUNO and might therefore have a bridging role in gamete recognition and fusion. Here, we use sensitive assays designed to detect extracellular protein binding to investigate the interactions between MAIA and both IZUMO1 and JUNO. Despite using reagents with demonstrable biochemical activity, we did not identify any direct binding between MAIA/FCRL3 and either IZUMO1 or JUNO. We also observed no fusogenic activity of MAIA/FCRL3 in a cell-based membrane fusion assay. Our findings encourage caution in further investigations on the role played by MAIA/FCRL3 in fertilization.


Enrica Bianchi, Maria Jiménez-Movilla, Paula Cots-Rodríguez, Cristina Viola, Gavin J Wright. No evidence for a direct extracellular interaction between human Fc receptor-like 3 (MAIA) and the sperm ligand IZUMO1. Science advances. 2024 Feb 23;10(8):eadk6352

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PMID: 38381819

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