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Oxygen is pivotal for survival of animals. Their cellular activity and cognitive behavior are impaired when atmospheric oxygen is insufficient, called hypoxia. However, concurrent effects of hypoxia on physiological signals are poorly understood. To address this question, we simultaneously recorded local field potentials in the primary motor cortex, primary somatosensory, and anterior cingulate cortex, electrocardiograms, electroolfactograms, and electromyograms of rats under acute hypoxic conditions (i.e., 5.0% O2). Exposure to acute hypoxia significantly attenuated alpha oscillations alone in the primary motor cortex, while we failed to find any effects of acute hypoxia on the oscillatory power in the somatosensory cortex or anterior cingulate cortex. These area- and frequency-specific effects by hypoxia may be accounted for by neural innervation from the brainstem to each cortical area via thalamic relay nuclei. Moreover, we found that heart rate and respiratory rate were increased during acute hypoxia and high heart rate was maintained even after the oxygen level returned to the baseline. Altogether, our study characterizes a systemic effect of atmospheric hypoxia on neural and peripheral signals from physiological viewpoints, leading to bridging a gap between cellular and behavioral levels.


Masashi Kawamura, Airi Yoshimoto, Yuji Ikegaya, Nobuyoshi Matsumoto. Low Atmospheric Oxygen Attenuates Alpha Oscillations in the Primary Motor Cortex of Awake Rats. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. 2024;47(2):462-468

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PMID: 38382999

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