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Eukaryotic gene regulation occurs at the chromatin level, which requires changing the chromatin structure by a group of ATP-dependent DNA translocases-namely, the chromatin remodellers1. In plants, chromatin remodellers function in various biological processes and possess both conserved and plant-specific components2-5. DECREASE IN DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1) is a plant chromatin remodeller that plays a key role in the maintenance DNA methylation6-11. Here we determined the structures of Arabidopsis DDM1 in complex with nucleosome in ADP-BeFx-bound, ADP-bound and nucleotide-free conformations. We show that DDM1 specifically recognizes the H4 tail and nucleosomal DNA. The conformational differences between ADP-BeFx-bound, ADP-bound and nucleotide-free DDM1 suggest a chromatin remodelling cycle coupled to ATP binding, hydrolysis and ADP release. This, in turn, triggers conformational changes in the DDM1-bound nucleosomal DNA, which alters the nucleosome structure and promotes DNA sliding. Together, our data reveal the molecular basis of chromatin remodelling by DDM1. © 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.


Yue Liu, Zhihui Zhang, Hongmiao Hu, Wei Chen, Fan Zhang, Qian Wang, Changshi Wang, Kaige Yan, Jiamu Du. Molecular basis of chromatin remodelling by DDM1 involved in plant DNA methylation. Nature plants. 2024 Mar;10(3):374-380

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PMID: 38413824

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