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To analyse fasting serum concentrations of G-17 in healthy individuals to establish the reference intervals (RIs) in the Pakistani population. Cross-sectional, observational study. Place and Duration of the Study: Department of Clinical Chemistry and Immunology, Chughtai Institute of Pathology, Lahore, Pakistan, from October to December 2022. Fasting serum samples from one hundred and twenty healthy individuals between the age of 18-65 years were collected according to the CLSI recommendations after taking written informed consent. Samples were analysed on the auto-analyser for the quantitative measurement of serum G-17 by sandwich chemiluminescence immunoassay. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to check normality. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant; 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles were computed using the formula 0.025 (n+1) and 0.0975 (n+1), respectively. Of the 120 samples, 74 were obtained from male patients and 46 from females. The mean age was 30.2 ±10.36 years. The histogram revealed a non-parametric distribution of the data. The established reference intervals by the rank-based method were 2.31 pg/mL and 49.36 pg/mL which corresponds to 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles, respectively. These were markedly different from the Chinese reference ranges. Ethnic and geographic variations affect the trends of RIs of Serum G-17. There is a need to establish its population-specific RIs for G-17, so it can be used as a non-invasive option in identifying patients requiring invasive endoscopic intervention. Gastrin, Atrophic Gastritis, Biomarker, Reference values.


Tayyaba Rashid, Muhammad Dilawar Khan, Hijab Batool, Masood Afzal, Omar Rasheed Chughtai, Akhtar Sohail Chughtai. Reference Interval of Serum Gastrin 17 (G-17) for Healthy Population: A Non-Invasive Screening Biomarker for Gastric Disorders. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP. 2024 Mar;34(3):262-266

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PMID: 38462858

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