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The functionalities of proteins rely on protein conformational changes during many processes. Identification of the protein conformations and capturing transitions among different conformations are important but extremely challenging in both experiments and simulations. In this work, we develop a machine learning based approach to identify a reaction coordinate that accelerates the exploration of protein conformational changes in molecular simulations. We implement our approach to study the conformational changes of human NTHL1 during DNA repair. Our results identified three distinct conformations: open (stable), closed (unstable), and bundle (stable). The existence of the bundle conformation can rationalize recent experimental observations. Comparison with an NTHL1 mutant demonstrates that a closely packed cluster of positively charged residues in the linker could be a factor to search when screening for genetic abnormalities. Results will lead to a better modulation of the DNA repair pathway to protect against carcinogenesis.


Ryan E Odstrcil, Prashanta Dutta, Jin Liu. Enhanced Sampling for Conformational Changes and Molecular Mechanisms of Human NTHL1. The journal of physical chemistry letters. 2024 Mar 21;15(11):3206-3213

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PMID: 38483510

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