Luca Voltolini, Alberto Salvicchi, Alessandro Gonfiotti, Sara Borgianni, Giovanni Cianchi, Giovanni Mugnaini, Stefano Bongiolatti
Journal of thoracic disease 2024 Feb 29Elective extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is rarely used in thoracic surgery, apart from lung transplantation. The purpose of this study was to summarize our institutional experience with the intraoperative use of veno-venous (VV) ECMO in selected cases of main airway surgery. We retrospectively analyzed the data of 10 patients who underwent main airway surgery with the support of VV-ECMO between June 2013 and August 2022. Surgical procedures included: three carinal resection and reconstruction with complete preservation of the lung parenchyma, one right upper double-sleeve lobectomy and hemi-carinal resection, and one sleeve resection of the left main bronchus after previous right lower bilobectomy, for thoracic malignancies; four tracheal/carinal repair for extensive traumatic laceration; one extended tracheal resection due to post-tracheostomy stenosis in a patient who had previously undergone a left pneumonectomy. The median intraoperative VV-ECMO use was 162.5 minutes. In three cases with complex resection and reconstruction of the carina and in one case of extended post-tracheostomy stenosis and previous pneumonectomy, high-flow VV-ECMO allowed interruption of ventilation for almost 3 hours. In four patients, VV-ECMO was prolonged in the postoperative period to ensure early extubation. There were no perioperative deaths, no complications related to the use of ECMO and no intraoperative change in the planned type of ECMO. Significant complications occurred only in one patient who developed a small anastomotic dehiscence that led to stenosis and required placement of a Montgomery tube. At the median follow-up of 30 months, all 10 patients were still alive. The use of intraoperative VV-ECMO allows safe and precise performance of main airway surgery with minimal postoperative morbidity in patients requiring complex resections and reconstructions and in cases that cannot be managed with conventional ventilation techniques. 2024 Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved.
Luca Voltolini, Alberto Salvicchi, Alessandro Gonfiotti, Sara Borgianni, Giovanni Cianchi, Giovanni Mugnaini, Stefano Bongiolatti. Veno-venous extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation in complex tracheobronchial resection. Journal of thoracic disease. 2024 Feb 29;16(2):1279-1288
PMID: 38505033
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