Christian Walter, Christoph Weissert, Eve Gizewski, Irene Burckhardt, Heiko Mannsperger, Siegfried Hänselmann, Winfried Busch, Stefan Zimmermann, Oliver Nolte
Journal of clinical microbiology 2024 Apr 10Manual microscopy of Gram stains from positive blood cultures (PBCs) is crucial for diagnosing bloodstream infections but remains labor intensive, time consuming, and subjective. This study aimed to evaluate a scan and analysis system that combines fully automated digital microscopy with deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to assist the interpretation of Gram stains from PBCs for routine laboratory use. The CNN was trained to classify images of Gram stains based on staining and morphology into seven different classes: background/false-positive, Gram-positive cocci in clusters (GPCCL), Gram-positive cocci in pairs (GPCP), Gram-positive cocci in chains (GPCC), rod-shaped bacilli (RSB), yeasts, and polymicrobial specimens. A total of 1,555 Gram-stained slides of PBCs were scanned, pre-classified, and reviewed by medical professionals. The results of assisted Gram stain interpretation were compared to those of manual microscopy and cultural species identification by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The comparison of assisted Gram stain interpretation and manual microscopy yielded positive/negative percent agreement values of 95.8%/98.0% (GPCCL), 87.6%/99.3% (GPCP/GPCC), 97.4%/97.8% (RSB), 83.3%/99.3% (yeasts), and 87.0%/98.5% (negative/false positive). The assisted Gram stain interpretation, when compared to MALDI-TOF MS species identification, also yielded similar results. During the analytical performance study, assisted interpretation showed excellent reproducibility and repeatability. Any microorganism in PBCs should be detectable at the determined limit of detection of 105 CFU/mL. Although the CNN-based interpretation of Gram stains from PBCs is not yet ready for clinical implementation, it has potential for future integration and advancement.
Christian Walter, Christoph Weissert, Eve Gizewski, Irene Burckhardt, Heiko Mannsperger, Siegfried Hänselmann, Winfried Busch, Stefan Zimmermann, Oliver Nolte. Performance evaluation of machine-assisted interpretation of Gram stains from positive blood cultures. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2024 Apr 10;62(4):e0087623
PMID: 38506525
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