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    Parents are at risk of decision regret (DR) for decisions affecting their children. The Decision Regret Scale (DRS) measures medical DR but lacks context outside of healthcare. To compare parental DR 1) between common pediatric urologic surgeries and everyday decisions and 2) with preference to make a different choice. We conducted a cross-sectional online survey of randomly selected parents >1year (y) after their children underwent: orchiopexy (males ≤10y), open ureteral reimplant (OUR, females 2-6y), open pyeloplasty (OP, ≤2y), or robotic pyeloplasty (RP, 5-17y) (2017-2021). Higher DRS scores indicate increased DR (none: 0, mild: 1-25, moderate: 30-50, strong: 55-75, very strong: 80-100). Parents completed DRS on four decisions: their child's surgery, most recent/current romantic relationship, most recent leased/purchased car, and most recent purchased meal. Parents reported if they would make the same choice (yes/no). Nonparametric statistics were used. We surveyed 191 parents (orchiopexy n = 52, OUR n = 50, OP n = 51, RP n = 38). The median parent age was 36y (mothers: 86%). Some DR was reported for all decisions, but with significant differences in DR severity. The lowest median DRS score was seen with surgery (orchiopexy 0 [IQR 0-10], OUR 0 [IQR 0-5], OP 0 [IQR 0-0], RP 0 [IQR 0-0]), with no difference between surgery groups (p = 0.78). This was followed by relationship (0, IQR 0-20), car (15, IQR 0-25), and meal (20, IQR 0-30, p < 0.001). Most parents did not report any DR regarding surgery (orchiopexy 69%, OUR 74%, OP 76%, RP 76%, with no difference between surgery groups p = 0.85, Summary Figure). Comparatively, 59% of parents did not have any regret about their relationship, 37% their car, and 28% their meal (p < 0.001). All surgical DR was mild or moderate. No parent (0%) would have chosen differently for their child's surgery versus 4-12% for non-surgical decisions (p < 0.001). Overall, increasing DR corresponded to increasing desire to have made a different choice (DRS≤10: 0%, DRS 45-50: 32%, DRS 55-60: 66%, DRS≥75: 100%, p < 0.001). Parental DR varied between urological surgical and non-surgical decisions. It was lowest after surgery. Some regret was reported after every decision, but the subset of parents with regret was smallest after surgical decisions. Positive DRS scores do not necessarily correspond to parents wishing they made a different choice. Copyright © 2024 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Ashley W Johnston, Rosalia Misseri, Nestor Suria Cordero, Jeremy Koehlinger, Katherine Stanley, Alan Trinh, Alanna Hooper, Pankaj Dangle, Joshua D Roth, Kirstan K Meldrum, Benjamin M Whittam, Martin Kaefer, Richard C Rink, Konrad M Szymanski. Parental decision regret after pediatric urologic surgeries compared to decisions of everyday life. Journal of pediatric urology. 2024 Aug;20(4):742.e1-742.e9

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    PMID: 38548553

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