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    The appearance of striae gravidarum (SG) during pregnancy is a common problem. The most common SG are abdominal striae, which can cause the greatest sequelae after pregnancy, and in the long term. There are several solutions to prevent and treat these striae, but not all are completely effective, and not without side effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment that applies an electromagnetic field under vacuum (V-EMF therapy) on the abdominal SG. A retrospective analysis was conducted on the medical records of 26 women affected by abdominal SG and treated with V-EMF therapy. The results were evaluated using two different 5-point Likert Scales: one administered to the treated subjects to evaluate their satisfaction, and one to the doctors who performed the treatment, to evaluate the improvement of the striae. The presence of side effects, and the effects of sun exposure after treatment were also considered. Only two treated subjects rated their level of satisfaction with a Score III on the Liker Scale. Everyone else expressed higher levels of satisfaction. Only one doctor rated the improvement of the striae with a Liker scale score of III. All the others reported greater improvements. No discomfort or side effects were noted either during the individual treatment sessions, or at the end of the treatment. The striae showed a newfound ability to tan. V-EMF therapy proves to be a valid, safe, and effective treatment modality for SG. © 2024 The Authors. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.


    Sheila Veronese, Pier Antonio Bacci, Victor Garcia-Gimenez, Casiana Cecilia Canel Micheloud, Norma Laura Haro García, Andrea Sbarbati. V-EMF therapy: A new painless and completely non-invasive treatment for striae gravidarum. Journal of cosmetic dermatology. 2024 Jun;23(6):2007-2014

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    PMID: 38549181

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