Ying Zhu, Kerem Can Akkaya, Julia Ruta, Nanako Yokoyama, Cong Wang, Max Ruwolt, Diogo Borges Lima, Martin Lehmann, Fan Liu
Nature communications 2024 Apr 17The functions of cellular organelles and sub-compartments depend on their protein content, which can be characterized by spatial proteomics approaches. However, many spatial proteomics methods are limited in their ability to resolve organellar sub-compartments, profile multiple sub-compartments in parallel, and/or characterize membrane-associated proteomes. Here, we develop a cross-link assisted spatial proteomics (CLASP) strategy that addresses these shortcomings. Using human mitochondria as a model system, we show that CLASP can elucidate spatial proteomes of all mitochondrial sub-compartments and provide topological insight into the mitochondrial membrane proteome. Biochemical and imaging-based follow-up studies confirm that CLASP allows discovering mitochondria-associated proteins and revising previous protein sub-compartment localization and membrane topology data. We also validate the CLASP concept in synaptic vesicles, demonstrating its applicability to different sub-cellular compartments. This study extends the scope of cross-linking mass spectrometry beyond protein structure and interaction analysis towards spatial proteomics, and establishes a method for concomitant profiling of sub-organelle and membrane proteomes. © 2024. The Author(s).
Ying Zhu, Kerem Can Akkaya, Julia Ruta, Nanako Yokoyama, Cong Wang, Max Ruwolt, Diogo Borges Lima, Martin Lehmann, Fan Liu. Cross-link assisted spatial proteomics to map sub-organelle proteomes and membrane protein topologies. Nature communications. 2024 Apr 17;15(1):3290
PMID: 38632225
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