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    The research pertaining to solid waste is undergoing extensive advancement, thereby necessitating a consolidation and analysis of its research trajectories. The existing biblio-studies on solid waste research (SWR) lack thorough analyses of the factors influencing its trends. This article presents an innovative categorization framework that categorizes publications from six SWR journals utilizing Source Latent Dirichlet Allocation. First analyse changes in publication numbers across main categories, subcategories, journals, and regions, providing a macro-level study of SWR. Temporal analysis of keywords supplements a micro-level study of SWR, which highlights that emerging technologies with low Technology Readiness Level receive significant attention, while studies on widespread technologies are diminishing. Additionally, this study demonstrates the substantial influence of socioeconomic factors and previous SWR publications on current and future SWR trends. Finally, the article confirms the impact of global events on SWR trends by examining the structural breakpoints of SWR and their correlation with global events. Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Zhibo Zhang, Jingyi Wang, Jiuwei Li, Yao Wang, Ke Yin, Xunchang Fei. Impacts of regional socioeconomic statuses and global events on solid waste research reflected in six waste-focused journals. Waste management (New York, N.Y.). 2024 Jun 15;182:113-123

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    PMID: 38648689

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