Fabiano Torres Cruz, Dayanne Pinho Rosa, Antonio Victor Baioco Vasconcelos, Jamil Silvano de Oliveira, Lucas Bleicher, Alexandre Martins Costa Santos
International journal of biological macromolecules 2024 MayRecent advancements in enzyme research have unveiled a new proteoform of bovine trypsin, expanding our understanding of this well-characterized enzyme. While generally similar to other trypsins, this novel proteoform comprises three polypeptide chains, marking a significant difference in activity, kinetic properties, and conformational stability. Compared with the already known bovine trypsin proteoforms, the results showed a lower: activity, kcat and kcat.KM-1 and protein 'foldedness' ratio for the new proteoform. Molecular autolysis, a common feature in trypsin and chymotrypsin, has been explored through comparative physical chemistry properties with other proteoforms. This new proteoform of trypsin not only enriches the existing enzyme repertoire but also promises to shed light on the intricate physiological pathway for enzyme inactivation. Our results suggest that the new trypsin proteoform is one of the likely final pathways for enzyme inactivation in a physiological environment. This discovery opens up new avenues for further research into the functional implications of this new trypsin proteoform. Copyright © 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fabiano Torres Cruz, Dayanne Pinho Rosa, Antonio Victor Baioco Vasconcelos, Jamil Silvano de Oliveira, Lucas Bleicher, Alexandre Martins Costa Santos. Purification and partial physical-chemical characterization of a new bovine trypsin proteoform (zeta-trypsin). International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024 May;268(Pt 2):131860
PMID: 38670206
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