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    Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics (thiazides) belong to the most frequently prescribed drugs worldwide. By virtue of their natriuretic and vasodilating properties, thiazides effectively lower blood pressure and prevent adverse cardiovascular outcomes. In addition, through their unique characteristic of reducing urine calcium, thiazides are also widely employed for the prevention of kidney stone recurrence and reduction of bone fracture risk. Since their introduction into clinical medicine in the early 1960s, thiazides have been recognized for their association with metabolic side effects, particularly impaired glucose tolerance, and new-onset diabetes mellitus. Numerous hypotheses have been advanced to explain thiazide-induced glucose intolerance, yet underlying mechanisms remain poorly defined. Regrettably, the lack of understanding and unpredictability of these side effects has prompted numerous physicians to refrain from prescribing these effective, inexpensive, and widely accessible drugs. In this review, we outline the pharmacology and mechanism of action of thiazides, highlight recent advances in the understanding of thiazide-induced glucose intolerance, and provide an up-to-date discussion on the role of thiazides in kidney stone prevention. © 2024 The Authors. Acta Physiologica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Scandinavian Physiological Society.


    Matteo Bargagli, Manuel A Anderegg, Daniel G Fuster. Effects of thiazides and new findings on kidney stones and dysglycemic side effects. Acta physiologica (Oxford, England). 2024 Jul;240(7):e14155

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    PMID: 38698738

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