Kimberly A Arnold, Mary C Moran, Huishan Shi, Ivonne M J J van Vlijmen-Willems, Diana Rodijk-Olthuis, Jos P H Smits, Matthew G Brewer
Experimental dermatology 2024 MayThe transmembrane protein claudin-1 is critical for formation of the epidermal barrier structure called tight junctions (TJ) and has been shown to be important in multiple disease states. These include neonatal ichthyosis and sclerosing cholangitis syndrome, atopic dermatitis and various viral infections. To develop a model to investigate the role of claudin-1 in different disease settings, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to generate human immortalized keratinocyte (KC) lines lacking claudin-1 (CLDN1 KO). We then determined whether loss of claudin-1 expression affects epidermal barrier formation/function and KC differentiation/stratification. The absence of claudin-1 resulted in significantly reduced barrier function in both monolayer and organotypic cultures. CLDN1 KO cells demonstrated decreases in gene transcripts encoding the barrier protein filaggrin and the differentiation marker cytokeratin-10. Marked morphological differences were also observed in CLDN1 KO organotypic cultures including diminished stratification and reduced formation of the stratum granulosum. We also detected increased proliferative KC in the basale layer of CLDN1 KO organotypic cultures. These results further support the role of claudin-1 in epidermal barrier and suggest an additional role of this protein in appropriate stratification of the epidermis. © 2024 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Kimberly A Arnold, Mary C Moran, Huishan Shi, Ivonne M J J van Vlijmen-Willems, Diana Rodijk-Olthuis, Jos P H Smits, Matthew G Brewer. CLDN1 knock out keratinocytes as a model to investigate multiple skin disorders. Experimental dermatology. 2024 May;33(5):e15084
PMID: 38711223
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