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A healthcare-associated group A Streptococcus outbreak involving six patients, four healthcare workers, and one household contact occurred in the labor and delivery unit of an academic medical center. Isolates were highly related by whole genome sequencing. Infection prevention measures, healthcare worker screening, and chemoprophylaxis of those colonized halted further transmission.


Michael Haden, Christina Liscynesky, Nora Colburn, Justin Smyer, Kimberly Malcolm, Iahn Gonsenhauser, Kara M Rood, Patrick Schneider, Michele Hardgrow, Preeti Pancholi, Keelie Thomas, Anita Cygnor, Oluseun Aluko, Elizabeth Koch, Naomi Tucker, Jade Mowery, Eric Brandt, Katie Cibulskas, Marika Mohr, Srinivas Nanduri, Sopio Chochua, Shandra R Day. Outbreak of postpartum group a Streptococcus infections on a labor and delivery unit. Infection control and hospital epidemiology. 2024 May 14:1-3

PMID: 38741562

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