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Quorum sensing (QS) orchestrates many bacterial behaviors, including virulence and biofilm formation, across bacterial populations. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanism by which QS regulates capsular polysaccharide (CPS)-dependent phage-bacterium interactions remains unclear. In this study, we report that QS upregulates the expression of CPS-dependent phage receptors, thus increasing phage adsorption and infection rates in Vibrio alginolyticus. We found that QS upregulated the expression of the ugd gene, leading to increased synthesis of Autographiviridae phage receptor CPS synthesis in V. alginolyticus. The signal molecule autoinducer-2 released by Vibrio from different sources can potentially enhance CPS-dependent phage infections. Therefore, our data suggest that inhibiting QS may reduce, rather than improve, the therapeutic efficacy of CPS-specific phages. Phage resistance is a direct threat to phage therapy, and understanding phage-host interactions, especially how bacteria block phage infection, is essential for developing successful phage therapy. In the present study, we demonstrate for the first time that Vibrio alginolyticus uses quorum sensing (QS) to promote capsular polysaccharide (CPS)-specific phage infection by upregulating ugd expression, which is necessary for the synthesis of Autographiviridae phage receptor CPS. Although increased CPS-specific phage susceptibility is a novel trade-off mediated by QS, it results in the upregulation of virulence factors, promoting biofilm development and enhanced capsular polysaccharide production in V. alginolyticus. This suggests that inhibiting QS may improve the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment, but it may also reduce the efficacy of phage therapy.


Xixi Li, Chen Zhang, Shenao Li, Sixuan Liang, Xuefei Xu, Zhe Zhao. Quorum sensing positively regulates CPS-dependent Autographiviridae phage infection in Vibrio alginolyticus. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2024 Aug 21;90(8):e0221023

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PMID: 39072624

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