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    Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a hormone produced by growing preantral and antral follicles of the ovary. AMH is accepted as an important biomarker for fertility and superovulation parameters in livestock species. This study aimed to evaluate changes in serum AMH level in the oestrous cycle, repeatability of AMH, the effect of age on serum AMH level and the effects of AMH on litter size in Romanov sheep. In the study, a total of 36 Romanov sheep were used as animal material. First blood samples (0th day) were collected from 36 ewes to evaluate AMH and progesterone levels. Second blood samples were collected randomly from 20 ewes 9 days after first sampling to compare AMH levels at two different periods of the oestrous cycle in Romanov ewes. The ewes were categorized into three groups as low, medium and high AMH based on their first AMH levels. Results indicated that serum AMH level did not change during the oestrous and dioestrous phases of the oestrous cycle and two random time points of the oestrous cycle (p > .05). Pearson correlation analysis revealed that there is a high (r = .95) and significant (p < .001) correlation between AMH levels at the 0th (AMH-1) and 9th (AMH-2) days. The effect of AMH level on litter size was found to be significant. Litter size was significantly higher in the high AMH group than in the low AMH group (p < .05). In addition, the age of ewes did not affect serum AMH levels (p > .05). ROC analysis indicates that AMH cut-off value >320 pg/mL with 70% sensitivity and 100% specificity can be used for litter size in Romanov ewes. In conclusion, AMH is highly repeatable and its serum AMH level did not change during the oestrous cycle in Romanov sheep. In addition, AMH affects litter size and can be reliably used as a marker for litter size in Romanov sheep. © 2024 The Author(s). Reproduction in Domestic Animals published by Wiley‐VCH GmbH.


    Ali Osman Turgut, Davut Koca. Anti-Müllerian hormone as a promising novel biomarker for litter size in Romanov sheep. Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene. 2024 Aug;59(8):e14692

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    PMID: 39091039

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