Shuangna Liu, Wanyu Xu, Jing Zheng, Kleins Ngocho, Hui Chen, Kemin Wang, Siqi Xiong, Xiaoxiao He, Jianbo Liu
Advanced healthcare materials 2024 Aug 02Transmembrane ion transport modality has received a widespread attention due to its apoptotic activation toward anticancer cell activities. In this study, G-quadruplex-based potassium-specific transmembrane channels have been developed to facilitate the intracellular K+ efflux, which perturbs the cellular ion homeostasis thereby inducing cancer cell apoptosis. Cholesterol-tag, a lipophilic anchor moiety, serves as a rudiment for the G-quadruplex immobilization onto the membrane, while G-quadruplex channel structure as a transport module permits ion binding and migration along the channels. A c-Myc sequence tagged with two-cholesterol is designed as a representative lipophilic G-quadruplex, which forms intramolecular parallel G-quadruplex with three stacks of G-quartets (Ch2-Para3). Fluorescence transport assay demonstrates Ch2-Para3 a high transport activity (EC50 = 10.9 × 10-6 m) and an ion selectivity (K+/Na+ selectivity ratio of 84). Ch2-Para3 mediated K+ efflux in cancer cells is revealed to purge cancer cells through K+ efflux-mediated cell apoptosis, which is confirmed by monitoring the changes in membrane potential of mitochondria, leakage of cytochrome c, reactive oxygen species yield, as well as activation of a family of caspases. The lipophilic G-quadruplex exhibits obvious antitumor activity in vivo without systemic toxicity. This study provides a functional scheme aimed at generating DNA-based selective artificial membrane channels for the purpose of regulating cellular processes and inducing cell apoptosis, which shows a great promising for anticancer therapy in the future. © 2024 Wiley‐VCH GmbH.
Shuangna Liu, Wanyu Xu, Jing Zheng, Kleins Ngocho, Hui Chen, Kemin Wang, Siqi Xiong, Xiaoxiao He, Jianbo Liu. G-quadruplex-Based Artificial Transmembrane Channels Induce Cancer Cell Apoptosis by Perturbing Potassium Ion Homeostasis. Advanced healthcare materials. 2024 Aug 02:e2402023
PMID: 39092635
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