Liping Luo, Hongliang Zeng, Yibo Hu, Ling Jiang, Chuhan Fu, Jinhua Huang, Jing Chen, Qinghai Zeng
Experimental dermatology 2024 AugPhenylalanine is a crucial amino acid in the process of melanogenesis. However, the exact mechanism by which it is transported into melanocytes has not been disclosed. The aim of this study was to identify and examine the key transporters that are responsible for phenylalanine transportation and evaluate their significance in melanogenesis. The amino acid transporter SLC16A10 was found to be up-regulated in both melasma (GSE72140) and sun-exposed skin (GSE67098). The protein levels of SLC16A10 were proportional to the melanin content in melanocytic nevi, indicating that SLC16A10 was related to melanogenesis. After SLC16A10 overexpression, melanin increased significantly in MNT1 cells. Meanwhile, the expression of melanogenesis-related proteins such as TYR and TYRP1 increased, while their RNA levels did not change. Transcriptomics data indicated that SLC16A10 can enhance the function of ribosome. Furthermore, targeted metabolomics data and ELISA results demonstrated SLC16A10 mainly affected the transport of phenylalanine into the cells. Then, phenylalanine was added to the cell culture medium after SLC16A10 overexpression, melanin synthesis in cells furtherly increased, which verified that SLC16A10 enhances melanogenesis by promoting the uptake of phenylalanine. Finally, we found that SLC16A10 expression increased after UVB irradiation. Knockdown SLC16A10 reduced UVB-induced melanin production and phenylalanine uptake by cells. In summary, SLC16A10 enhances melanogenesis by promoting the uptake of phenylalanine, and upregulation SLC16A10 is likely responsible for the UVB-induced hyperpigmentation as well. © 2024 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Liping Luo, Hongliang Zeng, Yibo Hu, Ling Jiang, Chuhan Fu, Jinhua Huang, Jing Chen, Qinghai Zeng. The amino acid transporter SLC16A10 promotes melanogenesis by facilitating the transportation of phenylalanine. Experimental dermatology. 2024 Aug;33(8):e15165
PMID: 39171634
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