Occupational health has evolved as a field over the last 20 years, most significantly over the last 2 years. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the amount and complexity of challenges for occupational health professionals and at the same time provided a unique opportunity for the field in light of the heightened focus on health at the workplace. Responsibilities have become broader and more multi-faceted including areas such as mental wellbeing and psychosocial risk factors. The pandemic has shown us that the workplace is an essential setting to promote health with a growing number of employers investing in policies and programs for their employees. However, many global health campaigns and large scale national initiatives do not include the workplace setting in their strategy to the detriment of the their effectiveness. In addition to the pressing global health needs, two recent developments have propelled workplace health to the forefront and are asking questions of employers. The Sustainable Development Goals as well as the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) agenda on behalf of the financial sector are pushing the corporate sector to act responsibly beyond seeking profits and disclose related policies and actions. Healthy workplaces are essential for global development and progress. Copyright © 2022 The Author(s).
Wolf Kirsten. The Evolution from Occupational Health to Healthy Workplaces. American journal of lifestyle medicine. 2024 Jan-Feb;18(1):64-74
PMID: 39184266
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