In recent years, the role of 53BP1 as a cell cycle regulator has come into the spotlight. 53BP1 is best understood for its role in controlling DNA double-strand break repair. However, 53BP1 was initially discovered as an interaction partner of the tumor suppressor p53, which proved to be independent of DNA repair. The importance of this interaction is becoming increasingly clear. 53BP1 responds to mitotic stress, which prolongs mitosis, or to DNA damage and triggers the stabilization of p53 by the deubiquitinase USP28 to stop the proliferation of potentially damaged cells. The ability of 53BP1 to respond to mitotic stress or DNA damage is controlled by cell cycle-specific post-translational modifications and is therefore restricted to specific cell cycle phases. 53BP1-mediated p53 activation is likely involved in tumor suppression and is associated with genetic diseases such as primary microcephaly. This review emphasizes the importance of these mechanisms for the development and maintenance of healthy tissues. Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Hazrat Belal, Esther Feng Ying Ng, Franz Meitinger. 53BP1-mediated activation of the tumor suppressor p53. Current opinion in cell biology. 2024 Dec;91:102424
PMID: 39244835
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