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Many active systems display nematic order, while interacting with their environment. In this Letter, we show theoretically how environment-stored memory acts an effective external field that aligns active nematics. The coupling to the environment leads to substantial modifications of the known phase diagram and dynamics of active nematics, including nematic order at arbitrarily low densities and arrested domain coarsening. We are motivated mainly by cells that remodel fibers in their extra-cellular matrix (ECM), while being directed by the fibers during migration. Our predictions indicate that remodeling promotes cellular and ECM alignment, and possibly limits the range of ordered ECM domains, in accordance with recent experiments.


Ram M Adar, Jean-François Joanny. Environment-Stored Memory in Active Nematics and Extra-Cellular Matrix Remodeling. Physical review letters. 2024 Sep 13;133(11):118402

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PMID: 39331992

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