Previously, we developed a procedure which showed that longer histories of reinforced alternative behavior decrease the risk of relapse caused by a range of stimuli which had previously occasioned drinking. The decrease in relapse risk was likely due to a decrease in attention to the stimuli over the course of repeated engagement in the alternative behavior. However, this previous procedure was time consuming and did not mirror the procedure we used to observe changes in relapse risk. This study aimed at replicating the previous relationship between the duration of engaging in an alternative behavior and shift in stimulus generalization for drinking using a procedure that allows longitudinal analysis over time and is consistent with other procedures we have developed. Rats were trained to respond for ethanol in the presence of one stimulus (16 kHz tone; food Fixed Ratio (FR)150 and ethanol FR5), and for food in the under another stimulus (8 kHz tone; food and ethanol FR5). Then, recovery-like sessions with food predominant responding occurred in the presence of only the low-cost food stimulus. During these sessions, rats were exposed to non-reinforced graded stimuli alternation from 8 to 16 kHz alternating with the reinforced low-cost food stimulus. The number of responses on each (food and ethanol) lever before completing 5 responses on either lever was the main measure. Consistent with the earlier procedure, the current procedure showed that graded variation of tone from 8 to 16 kHz produced a graded increase in responding for ethanol compared to responding for food. In addition, longer periods of engaging in recovery-like responding shift the generalization function downwards. This procedure confirms the earlier pattern of stimulus generalization over longer periods of behavior consistent with recovery. This strengthens our hypothesis that shifts in attention to alcohol-related stimuli are important to the development of relapse resistance during recovery. Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hanana AlTfaili, R J Lamb, Brett C Ginsburg. Assessment of reduction in stimulus generalization of ethanol-seeking during recovery: A rapid procedure. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 2024 Dec;121:161-167
PMID: 39362476
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