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    The magnitude of upper abdominal organ motion in children may be overestimated by current planning target volumes (PTV). A four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) - derived internal target volume (ITV) is frequently used in adult radiotherapy to take respiratory-related organ motion into account. In this study, the dosimetric consequences for target coverage and organs at risk from the use of an ITV approach compared to standard PTV margins in children with high-risk neuroblastoma were investigated.14 patients, median age 4.1 years, range 1.5 - 18.9 years, (9 midline targets, 5 lateralised) each had two dual arc volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans (14 ×1.5 Gy) generated. One used an ITV-approach; motion information derived from 4DCT (PTV_itv) with a 5mm ITV to PTV expansion, and the other a PTV margin of 10mm from CTV to PTV (PTV_standard). Differences in absolute PTV volume and organ at risk doses are described.The ITV approach resulted in a highly significant reduction in PTV size of 38% (p<0.0001). For midline targets, an ITV approach resulted in a small but statistically significant reduction in combined mean kidney dose of 0.8Gy, p 0.01. Mean heart and lung dose were reduced by an average of 1 Gy with an ITV approach. Non-PTV integral dose from 30.4 Gy L to 27.8 Gy L using an ITV approach.An ITV-approach to respiratory related organ motion management in children can significantly reduce absolute PTV volumes, maintain target coverage and reduce dose delivered to normal tissue in proximity to the target. This is an essential step to maximising the benefits of highly conformal radiotherapy techniques including VMAT for this patient group, and in the future with Proton Therapy.Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


    N A Lavan, G Smyth, D McQuaid, M N Gaze, C Stacey, S Vaidya, F H Saran, U Oelfke, H C Mandeville. A Four-dimensional Computed Tomography Generated Internal Target Volume Approach to Paediatric High Risk Neuroblastoma to Reduce Organ at Risk and Normal Tissue Irradiation. Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)). 2024 Aug 14

    PMID: 39370346

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