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Human breast milk at concentrations of (40 microliter/ml) markedly stimulates the activity of cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase (rate limiting enzyme involved in cholesterol catabolism) in rat liver microsomal preparations. This activity persisted after a) cold acetone extraction (to remove cholesterol) b) dialysis and c) boiling and trypsin treatment of milk. Homogenized cow's milk and infant formula (Similac) also possessed the stimulating activity. These results suggest that milk might provide some factor(s) for the development of cholesterol catabolic process which is immature at birth.


M T Subbiah, R L Yunker. Human breast milk stimulates rat liver cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity in vitro. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 1985 May 16;128(3):1133-7

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PMID: 4004854

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