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The influence of 3-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-4-methyl-7-(carbethoxy-methoxy)-2-oxo-1,2-chromene-hydr ochloride (carbocromen, Intensaïn) on A-V-conduction and refractory period was studied by means of His-bundle-electrography on 12 anaesthetized cats. Immediately after application of carbocromen 6 mg/kg the A-H-conduction time was increased. In contrast to this, 12 mg/kg carbocromen caused significant prolongation of H-v interval. This study shows that carbocromen has effects on intraventricular conduction.


H Djonlagić, K W Diederich. Influence of Carbocromen on A-V-conduction and refractory period. Electrophysiological study with His-bundle-electrography in experimental animals (author's transl)]. Arzneimittel-Forschung. 1981;31(12):2072-4

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PMID: 7199301

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