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New water soluble derivatives of oxysterols--the phosphodiesters of oxysterols and of nucleosides--have been synthesized. In vitro, these compounds share the biological properties of their parent oxysterols. Furthermore, they display anticancer activity when injected i.p. in mice bearing experimental tumors. The pharmacokinetic study described here proved that the water-soluble derivatives of oxysterols act as prodrugs releasing free oxysterol in the blood, the liver and the kidney after i.p. or i.v. injection in rats. The hydro-solubility of such compounds as well as their slow metabolism into the active principle could account for their biological activity and make them suitable as new therapeutic agents.


C Moog, N Frank, B Luu, B Bertram. Metabolism of new anticancer oxysterol derivatives in rats. Anticancer research. 1993 Jul-Aug;13(4):953-8

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PMID: 8352565

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