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QuickView for Atg16L1 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
ATG16L1 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
autophagy related 16 like 1
APG16L, ATG16A, ATG16L, IBD10, WDR30, autophagy-related protein 16-1, APG16L beta, ATG16 autophagy related 16-like 1, WD repeat domain 30
Genomic Location:
Chr 2: 233824956-233869059
The protein encoded by this gene is part of a large protein complex that is necessary for autophagy, the major process by which intracellular components are targeted to lysosomes for degradation. Defects in this gene are a cause of susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease type 10 (IBD10). Several transcript variants encoding different isoforms ...
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 2

GO Molecular Function

GTPase binding | enzyme binding | catalytic activity | ubiquitin-like protein transferase activity | identical protein binding | protein binding | transferase activity

GO Biological Process

protein homooligomerization | xenophagy | macroautophagy | defense response to other organism | establishment of localization | selective autophagy | defense response | cellular process | localization | protein transport | macromolecule localization | interspecies interaction between organisms | protein lipidation | catabolic process | negative stranded viral RNA replication | cellular component organization | viral life cycle | response to stimulus | response to stress | lipoprotein biosynthetic process | cellular localization | cellular component assembly | protein modification process | cellular biosynthetic process | macromolecule modification | organelle assembly | response to external biotic stimulus | nitrogen compound metabolic process | autophagosome organization | protein complex oligomerization | organic substance transport | viral genome replication | peptide transport | biosynthetic process | vacuole organization | autophagy | lipoprotein metabolic process | viral process | protein-containing complex assembly | protein metabolic process | autophagosome assembly | metabolic process | cellular protein localization | amide transport | organic substance metabolic process | C-terminal protein lipidation | establishment of protein localization | protein lipidation involved in autophagosome assembly | protein localization to phagophore assembly site | protein localization | cellular protein metabolic process | cellular macromolecule localization | cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process | response to biotic stimulus | organelle organization | cellular protein modification process | cellular metabolic process | response to other organism | viral RNA genome replication | post-translational protein modification | macromolecule metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | organelle membrane | phagophore assembly site membrane | cell | cytoplasm | autophagosome membrane | intracellular organelle | phagophore assembly site | cell projection | plasma membrane bounded cell projection cytoplasm | cilium | vacuole | cytoplasmic region | axoneme | membrane-bounded organelle | organelle | ciliary plasm | cytosol | cytoskeleton | intracellular | autophagosome | membrane | vacuolar membrane