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QuickView for Carboplatin (compound)

Name: Carboplatin
PubChem Compound ID: 2567
Description: An organoplatinum compound that possesses antineoplastic activity.
Molecular formula: C6H8O4Pt
Molecular weight: 339.203 g/mol
KBioGR_000713; NINDS_000892; SPBio_000716; Spectrum2_000898; KBio2_002009; DivK1c_000892; KBio3_002645; KBioSS_002009; Spectrum4_000337; Spectrum3_001503.
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Name: Carboplatin
Name (isomeric): DB00958
Drug Type: small molecule
Description: An organoplatinum compound that possesses antineoplastic activity.
CBDCA; cis-Diammine(1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylato)platinum(II)
Brand: Paraplatin, Paraplatin-AQ
Category: Cross-Linking Reagents, Antineoplastic Agents
CAS number: 41575-94-4
Indication: For the initial treatment of advanced ovarian carcinoma in established combination with other approved chemotherapeutic agents. One established combination regimen consists of PARAPLATIN and cyclophosphamide.
Carboplatin is an antineoplastic in the class of alkylating agents and is used to treat various forms of cancer. Alkylating agents are so named because of their ability to add alkyl groups to many electronegative groups under conditions present in cells. They stop tumor growth by cross-linking guanine bases in DNA double-helix strands - directly at...
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Mechanism of Action:
Alkylating agents work by three different mechanisms: 1) attachment of alkyl groups to DNA bases, resulting in the DNA being fragmented by repair enzymes in their attempts to replace the alkylated bases, preventing DNA synthesis and RNA transcription from the affected DNA, 2) DNA damage via the formation of cross-links (bonds between atoms in the D...
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Protein binding: Very low
Route of elimination: The major route of elimination of carboplatin is renal excretion.
Half Life: 1.1-2 hours
Clearance: 4.4 L/h [Patients with Clcr >= 60 mL/min receiving IV infusion of 300 to 500 mg/m2]
Toxicity: Toxic by ingestion. May be create toxic effect through inhalation or skin contact. May cause reproductive defects. May act as a sensitizer. ORL-RAT LD50 343 mg kg-1; SCN-RAT LD50 72 mg kg-1; IPN-MUS LD50 118 mg kg-1
Affected organisms: Humans and other mammals
Food interaction:
Avoid echinacea as it may decrease effectiveness of immunosuppresants like carboplatin
Drug interaction:
RoflumilastRoflumilast may enhance the immunosuppressive effect of immunosuppressants such as carboplatin. he Canadian roflumilast product monograph recommends avoiding concurrent use of roflumilast with any immunosuppressant medications due to the antiinflammatory/immune altering effects of roflumilast and the lack of relevant clinical experience with such use. Of note, this recommendation to avoid concurrent use does not apply to either inhaled corticosteroids (which have much more limited systemic immune-suppressing actions) or short-term systemic corticosteroid use. U.S. prescribing information does not contain this warning; but it appears prudent to avoid this combination when possible.
TopotecanAdministration of Topotecan after Carboplatin therapy may increase the risk of hematologic toxicity, such as neutropenia and/or thrombocytopenia. A dose adjustment may be required or the sequence of administration reversed.
PaclitaxelPlatinum derivatives such as carboplatin may enhance the myelosuppressive effect of taxane derivatives such as paclitaxel. Administer taxane derivative before platinum derivative when given as sequential infusions to limit toxicity. Administering the taxane derivative before the platinum derivative seems prudent.
TrastuzumabTrastuzumab may increase the risk of neutropenia and anemia. Monitor closely for signs and symptoms of adverse events.
SorafenibSorafenib may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of carboplatin. Concurrent use of sorafenib with carboplatin and placlitaxel in patients with squamous cell lung cancer is contraindicated. The use of this combination in other settings is not specifically contraindicated, but any such use should be approached with added caution.
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