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QuickView for KA1;jsessionid=A618305A3510294CB4EF6725ECDF2FC5;jsessionid=988582E8CD1A3F232C3DB6B2631CAEE3;jsessionid=003DA8E979255FD230B559A659CC18B8;jsessionid=A03815631905CCCB385D88DCDA38D3FA;jsessionid=D811BF73644E4E85E4F1D0E988F2C5FB (gene)

Gene Symbol:
GRIK4 Canis lupus familiaris Canis lupus familiaris
Full name:
glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 4
Genomic Location:
Chr 5: 16085397-16254950
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

Transcripts Names
Protein Names
No proteins found.

GO Molecular Function

transmitter-gated ion channel activity | neurotransmitter receptor activity | passive transmembrane transporter activity | transmembrane signaling receptor activity | transmembrane transporter activity | ligand-gated ion channel activity | ion gated channel activity | signaling receptor activity | transporter activity | ion transmembrane transporter activity | extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | glutamate receptor activity | ionotropic glutamate receptor activity | channel activity | ion channel activity | substrate-specific channel activity

GO Biological Process

transmitter-gated ion channel activity | establishment of localization | cellular process | localization | passive transmembrane transporter activity | regulation of cellular process | transmembrane transporter activity | ligand-gated ion channel activity | response to stimulus | ion gated channel activity | ion transmembrane transport | ion transmembrane transporter activity | extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity | cell communication | ionotropic glutamate receptor activity | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | transmembrane transport | signaling | channel activity | glutamate receptor signaling pathway | ion channel activity | ion transport | ionotropic glutamate receptor signaling pathway | substrate-specific channel activity | signal transduction

GO Cellular Component

presynaptic membrane | integral component of membrane | synapse | potassium channel complex | cell | plasma membrane protein complex | intrinsic component of membrane | synaptic membrane | receptor complex | presynapse | protein-containing complex | postsynaptic membrane | postsynapse | plasma membrane | kainate selective glutamate receptor complex | integral component of plasma membrane | sodium channel complex | cell periphery | ionotropic glutamate receptor complex | transmembrane transporter complex | cation channel complex | ion channel complex | cell junction | membrane | intrinsic component of plasma membrane