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QuickView for NK2 homeobox 1 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
NKX2-1 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
NK2 homeobox 1
BCH, BHC, NK-2, NKX2.1, NKX2A, NMTC1, T/EBP, TEBP, TITF1, TTF-1, TTF1, homeobox protein Nkx-2.1, NK-2 homolog A, homeobox protein NK-2 homolog A, thyroid nuclear factor 1, thyroid transcription factor 1, thyroid-specific enhancer-binding protein
Genomic Location:
Chr 14: 36055353-36059167
This gene encodes a protein initially identified as a thyroid-specific transcription factor. The encoded protein binds to the thyroglobulin promoter and regulates the expression of thyroid-specific genes but has also been shown to regulate the expression of genes involved in morphogenesis. Mutations and deletions in this gene are associated with be...
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Canis lupus familiaris Pan troglodytes Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 14

GO Molecular Function

sequence-specific DNA binding | transcription regulatory region DNA binding | RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding | enhancer binding | proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | enzyme binding | intronic transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding | nucleic acid binding | enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding | RNA polymerase II regulatory region DNA binding | DNA binding | sequence-specific double-stranded DNA binding | organic cyclic compound binding | transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding | protein binding | RNA polymerase II proximal promoter sequence-specific DNA binding | double-stranded DNA binding | DNA-binding transcription factor activity | intronic transcription regulatory region DNA binding | RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding | RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding | transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding | heterocyclic compound binding

GO Biological Process

RNA metabolic process | brain development | cell morphogenesis | positive regulation of circadian rhythm | positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process | cell motility | neuron projection morphogenesis | developmental process involved in reproduction | regulation of localization | morphogenesis of an epithelium | gonad development | hippocampus development | response to hormone | regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway | neuron migration | negative regulation of cellular process | RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding | negative regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | cell differentiation | respiratory tube development | nervous system development | cell part morphogenesis | neurogenesis | generation of neurons | phospholipid metabolic process | pattern specification process | positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process | cellular process | Leydig cell differentiation | regulation of cell motility | localization | cell projection morphogenesis | epithelial tube morphogenesis | forebrain cell migration | negative regulation of signaling | cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron differentiation | neuron development | central nervous system neuron differentiation | reproductive system development | cerebral cortex neuron differentiation | negative regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | axon guidance | lung epithelium development | positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | negative regulation of cell migration | forebrain neuron differentiation | diencephalon development | negative regulation of cellular metabolic process | tissue development | regulation of cell differentiation | negative regulation of cell motility | regulation of cellular process | regulation of metabolic process | gliogenesis | pituitary gland development | organic cyclic compound metabolic process | RNA biosynthetic process | epithelium development | cellular aromatic compound metabolic process | cellular component organization | cellular lipid metabolic process | epithelial tube branching involved in lung morphogenesis | development of primary sexual characteristics | head development | thyroid gland development | response to stimulus | cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation | negative regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition | respiratory system development | neuron projection guidance | cellular nitrogen compound biosynthetic process | tube morphogenesis | telencephalon cell migration | forebrain regionalization | reproduction | rhythmic process | cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process | Clara cell differentiation | negative regulation of metabolic process | positive regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | cellular biosynthetic process | dorsal/ventral pattern formation | negative regulation of transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway | GABAergic neuron differentiation | neuron fate commitment | regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | negative regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus | locomotion | lung alveolus development | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | multicellular organism development | cell migration | globus pallidus development | phosphorus metabolic process | type II pneumocyte differentiation | lipid metabolic process | telencephalon development | regulation of gene expression | axon development | organophosphate metabolic process | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | animal organ morphogenesis | lung secretory cell differentiation | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | regulation of cell migration | negative regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus | regulation of cellular component movement | regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | axonogenesis | biosynthetic process | locomotory behavior | aromatic compound biosynthetic process | glial cell differentiation | forebrain dorsal/ventral pattern formation | cerebral cortex cell migration | endocrine system development | cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | regulation of cellular metabolic process | limbic system development | regulation of locomotion | forebrain neuron fate commitment | regulation of RNA metabolic process | cerebral cortex development | regulation of cellular response to growth factor stimulus | lung epithelial cell differentiation | neuron differentiation | development of primary male sexual characteristics | DNA-binding transcription factor activity | regionalization | negative regulation of transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway | response to organic substance | gland development | tissue morphogenesis | branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube | male sex differentiation | anatomical structure development | cell projection organization | metabolic process | cell fate commitment | regulation of RNA biosynthetic process | negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | male gonad development | oligodendrocyte differentiation | forebrain generation of neurons | behavior | nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process | neuron projection development | organic substance metabolic process | negative regulation of biosynthetic process | negative regulation of gene expression | animal organ development | forebrain development | pallium development | gene expression | negative regulation of cellular component movement | transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding | transcription, DNA-templated | lung development | morphogenesis of a branching epithelium | anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis | regulation of cell communication | negative regulation of signal transduction | regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | cell development | endoderm development | morphogenesis of a branching structure | anatomical structure morphogenesis | cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process | regulation of circadian rhythm | reproductive structure development | regulation of developmental process | developmental process | lung cell differentiation | negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | tube development | positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated | positive regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription | lung morphogenesis | epithelial cell differentiation | positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II | regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition | heterocycle metabolic process | central nervous system development | positive regulation of metabolic process | cellular metabolic process | lung saccule development | sex differentiation | developmental induction | chemotaxis | negative regulation of locomotion | negative regulation of cell differentiation | neural nucleus development | regulation of signaling | positive regulation of gene expression | macromolecule metabolic process | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | nuclear lumen | transcription factor complex | intracellular organelle | protein-containing complex | nucleoplasm | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | membrane-enclosed lumen | intracellular