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QuickView for Ptpn11 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
PTPN11 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 11
BPTP3, CFC, JMML, METCDS, NS1, PTP-1D, PTP2C, SH-PTP2, SH-PTP3, SHP2, tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 11, PTP-2C, protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1D, protein-tyrosine phosphatase 2C
Genomic Location:
Chr 12: 111340919-111432100
The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family. PTPs are known to be signaling molecules that regulate a variety of cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, mitotic cycle, and oncogenic transformation. This PTP contains two tandem Src homology-2 domains, which function as phospho-tyro...
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster C. elegans Macaca mulatta Danio rerio Gallus gallus Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Pan troglodytes
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
miRNA binding sites
(Source: TargetScan):
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 12

GO Molecular Function

protein phosphorylated amino acid binding | kinase binding | D1 dopamine receptor binding | hormone receptor binding | protein kinase binding | receptor tyrosine kinase binding | enzyme binding | protein-containing complex binding | phosphotyrosine residue binding | phosphatase activity | signaling receptor binding | hydrolase activity | protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | catalytic activity | signaling adaptor activity | protein domain specific binding | protein binding, bridging | dopamine receptor binding | phosphoprotein phosphatase activity | phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity | hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds | protein tyrosine kinase binding | molecular adaptor activity | peptide hormone receptor binding | cell adhesion molecule binding | phosphoprotein binding | phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase activity | protein binding | insulin receptor binding | 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity | transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups | phosphoric ester hydrolase activity | G-protein coupled receptor binding | phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor | transferase activity | SH3/SH2 adaptor activity | kinase activity | phospholipase binding | non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | insulin receptor substrate binding

GO Biological Process

regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade | brain development | cell morphogenesis | regulation of intracellular protein transport | protein dephosphorylation | response to cytokine | cell motility | neuron projection morphogenesis | developmental process involved in reproduction | regulation of cellular localization | negative regulation of peptide secretion | interleukin-6-mediated signaling pathway | homeostasis of number of cells within a tissue | regulation of localization | phosphatidylinositol metabolic process | regulation of immune system process | response to hormone | myeloid cell differentiation | negative regulation of cellular process | integrin-mediated signaling pathway | regulation of MAP kinase activity | positive regulation of lymphocyte activation | bone development | cell differentiation | nervous system development | lymphocyte costimulation | multicellular organism growth | organ growth | cerebellum morphogenesis | epithelial cell migration | cell part morphogenesis | neurogenesis | glucose homeostasis | positive regulation of cell adhesion | positive regulation of phosphate metabolic process | negative regulation of protein secretion | regulation of peptide hormone secretion | generation of neurons | phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate biosynthetic process | tissue homeostasis | phospholipid metabolic process | regulation of lipid transport | hormone-mediated signaling pathway | cellular process | regulation of glucose import | localization | cell projection morphogenesis | regulation of growth hormone secretion | negative regulation of signaling | developmental growth | neuron development | reproductive system development | epithelium migration | triglyceride metabolic process | immune system development | multicellular organismal reproductive process | negative regulation of glucocorticoid secretion | positive regulation of protein kinase activity | regulation of response to cytokine stimulus | hemostasis | negative regulation of secretion | axon guidance | regulation of cell cycle | response to growth factor | positive regulation of catalytic activity | regulation of multicellular organism growth | positive regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | myeloid cell development | negative regulation of cortisol secretion | negative regulation of hormone secretion | regulation of protein export from nucleus | negative regulation of establishment of protein localization | anatomical structure homeostasis | regulation of protein kinase B signaling | regulation of immune response | regulation of cellular process | regulation of metabolic process | head morphogenesis | gliogenesis | regulation of protein complex assembly | epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway | positive regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | negative regulation of response to drug | ephrin receptor signaling pathway | cellular component organization | cellular lipid metabolic process | phosphatase activity | head development | regulation of peptide secretion | response to stimulus | negative regulation of protein transport | cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation | regulation of cellular protein localization | cellular response to mechanical stimulus | cellular response to fibroblast growth factor stimulus | metencephalon development | regulation of insulin secretion | positive regulation of immune system process | positive regulation of protein metabolic process | negative regulation of cell adhesion | response to stress | neuron projection guidance | negative regulation of growth hormone secretion | regulation of response to drug | multicellular organismal homeostasis | positive regulation of cell-cell adhesion | positive regulation of glucose import | positive regulation of cell activation | intestinal epithelial cell migration | reproduction | positive regulation of T cell activation | positive regulation of hormone secretion | negative regulation of transport | ERBB signaling pathway | regulation of protein transport | positive regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity | platelet formation | hemopoiesis | protein modification process | regulation of peptide transport | regulation of cell adhesion | cellular biosynthetic process | macromolecule modification | protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | activation of protein kinase activity | regulation of intracellular transport | leukocyte migration | blood coagulation | locomotion | cellular response to interleukin-6 | cellular response to hormone stimulus | signaling adaptor activity | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | negative regulation of secretion by cell | multicellular organism development | cell migration | regulation of MAPK cascade | phosphorus metabolic process | cellular response to DNA damage stimulus | positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling | regulation of catalytic activity | cerebellum development | regulation of protein serine/threonine kinase activity | lipid metabolic process | regulation of phosphorylation | fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway | regulation of hormone levels | regulation of hormone secretion | positive regulation of glucose import in response to insulin stimulus | wound healing | regulation of T cell activation | positive regulation of cell cycle | positive regulation of mitotic cell cycle | platelet activation | platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway | axon development | positive regulation of secretion | cellular response to stress | cell cycle | platelet morphogenesis | regulation of glucose import in response to insulin stimulus | organophosphate metabolic process | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | positive regulation of protein phosphorylation | regulation of lymphocyte activation | phospholipid biosynthetic process | phosphoprotein phosphatase activity | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway | cytokine-mediated signaling pathway | positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction | phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity | axonogenesis | homeostasis of number of cells | cellular response to cytokine stimulus | positive regulation of glucose transmembrane transport | biosynthetic process | regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | neurotrophin signaling pathway | glial cell differentiation | negative regulation of peptide hormone secretion | hindbrain development | regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin | phosphorylation | lipid biosynthetic process | megakaryocyte differentiation | cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | sensory organ development | positive regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus | microvillus organization | lipid phosphorylation | cell communication | regulation of cellular metabolic process | regulation of protein kinase activity | astrocyte differentiation | cerebellar cortex morphogenesis | regulation of endocrine process | regulation of protein metabolic process | positive regulation of signal transduction | inner ear development | heart development | lipid modification | homeostatic process | regulation of protein phosphorylation | regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway | glycerolipid metabolic process | positive regulation of transport | genitalia development | coagulation | phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase activity | regulation of mitotic cell cycle | positive regulation of molecular function | regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport | cellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus | neuron differentiation | multicellular organism reproduction | activation of MAPK activity | negative regulation of lipid transport | protein metabolic process | regulation of establishment of protein localization | positive regulation of protein modification process | regulation of growth | response to organic substance | regulation of innate immune response | neutral lipid metabolic process | neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway | glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process | 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity | regulation of kinase activity | response to wounding | response to mechanical stimulus | abortive mitotic cell cycle | regulation of intracellular signal transduction | face morphogenesis | anatomical structure development | mitotic cell cycle | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | cell projection organization | metabolic process | positive regulation of leukocyte activation | regulation of body fluid levels | ear development | cerebellar cortex development | hindbrain morphogenesis | chemical homeostasis | regulation of secretion | neuron projection development | atrioventricular canal development | organic substance metabolic process | regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway | regulation of glucose transmembrane transport | animal organ development | regulation of cell activation | regulation of protein secretion | positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade | positive regulation of kinase activity | regulation of cellular response to insulin stimulus | regulation of phosphate metabolic process | SH3/SH2 adaptor activity | phosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process | Bergmann glial cell differentiation | cell activation | positive regulation of MAPK cascade | response to epidermal growth factor | anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis | negative regulation of cell cycle | T cell costimulation | cerebellar cortex formation | regulation of cell communication | dephosphorylation | negative regulation of insulin secretion | signaling | cell development | regulation of developmental growth | positive regulation of phosphorylation | cellular protein metabolic process | hormone metabolic process | phosphatidylinositol phosphorylation | anatomical structure morphogenesis | positive regulation of MAP kinase activity | reproductive structure development | regulation of developmental process | glycerophospholipid metabolic process | kinase activity | developmental process | cellular protein modification process | regulation of transport | non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine phosphatase activity | negative regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin | peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation | regulation of cell-cell adhesion | response to fibroblast growth factor | central nervous system development | transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway | positive regulation of metabolic process | skeletal system development | immune system process | cellular metabolic process | body morphogenesis | hematopoietic or lymphoid organ development | ameboidal-type cell migration | cellular response to organic substance | regulation of protein localization | sex differentiation | megakaryocyte development | DNA damage checkpoint | cell cycle checkpoint | response to interleukin-6 | acylglycerol metabolic process | circulatory system development | carbohydrate homeostasis | chemotaxis | positive regulation of leukocyte cell-cell adhesion | regulation of cellular component organization | positive regulation of signaling | signal transduction | regulation of signaling | cellular response to growth factor stimulus | macromolecule metabolic process | multicellular organismal process | face development | regulation of phosphorus metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cell | nuclear lumen | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | protein-containing complex | nucleoplasm | mitochondrion | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | membrane-enclosed lumen | cytosol | intracellular