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QuickView for ROBO2;jsessionid=A9FD2E14C93241A69C566CE43001DB3E (gene)

Gene Symbol:
ROBO2 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
roundabout guidance receptor 2
SAX3, roundabout homolog 2, roundabout, axon guidance receptor, homolog 2
Genomic Location:
Chr 3: 77171984-77779351
The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the ROBO family, part of the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins that are highly conserved from fly to human. The encoded protein is a transmembrane receptor for the slit homolog 2 protein and functions in axon guidance and cell migration. Mutations in this gene are associated with vesicoureteral reflu...
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster C. elegans Macaca mulatta Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Danio rerio
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 3

GO Molecular Function

transmembrane signaling receptor activity | axon guidance receptor activity | signaling receptor activity | identical protein binding | protein binding

GO Biological Process

axon choice point recognition | brain development | cell morphogenesis | olfactory bulb interneuron differentiation | positive regulation of cellular component organization | regulation of cell morphogenesis | regulation of neurogenesis | neuron projection morphogenesis | developmental process involved in reproduction | regulation of synapse assembly | regulation of cell development | gonad development | female gonad development | response to hormone | negative regulation of cellular process | positive regulation of developmental process | cell differentiation | nervous system development | cell part morphogenesis | positive regulation of axonogenesis | neurogenesis | pulmonary valve development | generation of neurons | mesenchyme development | cellular process | cell projection morphogenesis | heart morphogenesis | negative regulation of synapse organization | neuron development | central nervous system neuron differentiation | reproductive system development | multicellular organismal reproductive process | regulation of chemotaxis | axon guidance | apoptotic process involved in luteolysis | forebrain neuron differentiation | regulation of neuron projection development | tissue development | regulation of cell differentiation | ventricular septum morphogenesis | cell recognition | regulation of cellular process | negative regulation of chemotaxis | epithelium development | cellular component organization | luteolysis | urogenital system development | development of primary sexual characteristics | head development | response to stimulus | vasculature development | cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation | neuron projection guidance | ovulation cycle | axon guidance receptor activity | programmed cell death | development of primary female sexual characteristics | reproduction | cardiovascular system development | rhythmic process | retinal ganglion cell axon guidance | regulation of synapse structure or activity | kidney development | blood vessel development | pulmonary valve morphogenesis | locomotion | central nervous system neuron development | apoptotic process | cellular response to hormone stimulus | endocardial cushion development | system development | reproductive process | regulation of signal transduction | ureteric bud development | positive regulation of neuron projection development | multicellular organism development | olfactory bulb interneuron development | regulation of axonogenesis | negative regulation of negative chemotaxis | forebrain neuron development | telencephalon development | artery development | regulation of neuron differentiation | kidney epithelium development | axon development | outflow tract morphogenesis | neuron recognition | endocardial cushion morphogenesis | animal organ morphogenesis | positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway | regulation of synapse organization | olfactory lobe development | regulation of Notch signaling pathway | positive regulation of cell projection organization | axonogenesis | positive regulation of cell differentiation | aortic valve morphogenesis | mesenchyme morphogenesis | mesonephric epithelium development | cardiac septum morphogenesis | cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | mesonephros development | ovulation cycle process | cell communication | olfactory bulb development | regulation of negative chemotaxis | metanephros development | semi-lunar valve development | positive regulation of signal transduction | heart development | apoptotic process involved in development | regulation of locomotion | renal system development | positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway involved in heart induction | neuron differentiation | multicellular organism reproduction | heart valve development | regulation of cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | ventricular septum development | cardiac ventricle development | response to organic substance | Roundabout signaling pathway | tissue morphogenesis | regulation of animal organ morphogenesis | anatomical structure development | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | positive regulation of neurogenesis | aorta development | cell projection organization | positive regulation of cell development | forebrain generation of neurons | cell adhesion | neuron projection development | heart valve morphogenesis | cell death | animal organ development | forebrain development | regulation of heart morphogenesis | axon midline choice point recognition | cell-cell adhesion | anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis | regulation of animal organ formation | regulation of cell communication | signaling | cell development | endocardial cushion formation | anatomical structure morphogenesis | reproductive structure development | regulation of nervous system development | regulation of developmental process | developmental process | cardiac septum development | tube development | aortic valve development | cardiac chamber development | central nervous system development | cell-cell adhesion via plasma-membrane adhesion molecules | spinal cord development | positive regulation of neuron differentiation | regulation of cell projection organization | female sex differentiation | cellular response to organic substance | sex differentiation | positive regulation of cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | circulatory system development | chemotaxis | negative regulation of synapse assembly | negative regulation of locomotion | regulation of cellular component organization | positive regulation of signaling | signal transduction | regulation of signaling | mesonephric tubule development | outflow tract septum morphogenesis | homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules | multicellular organismal process

GO Cellular Component

integral component of membrane | neuron projection | axolemma | cell projection membrane | cell | intrinsic component of membrane | leading edge membrane | main axon | cell projection | plasma membrane | cell leading edge | vesicle | extracellular exosome | extracellular region | membrane-bounded organelle | extracellular vesicle | organelle | extracellular space | cell periphery | axon | cell surface | membrane | neuron projection membrane