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QuickView for plakophilin 1 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
PKP1 Homo sapiens Homo sapiens
Full name:
plakophilin 1
B6P, plakophilin-1, band 6 protein
Genomic Location:
Chr 1: 199519203-199568740
This gene encodes a member of the arm-repeat (armadillo) and plakophilin gene families. Plakophilin proteins contain numerous armadillo repeats, localize to cell desmosomes and nuclei, and participate in linking cadherins to intermediate filaments in the cytoskeleton. This protein may be involved in molecular recruitment and stabilization during de...
Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Macaca mulatta Bos taurus Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris Danio rerio
External Links:
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Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:
Cytogenetic Map:
chr 1

Transcripts Names

GO Molecular Function

structural constituent of epidermis | structural molecule activity | cadherin binding | protein-containing complex binding | cell adhesion molecule binding | protein binding | lamin binding | intermediate filament binding

GO Biological Process

exocytosis | neutrophil activation | intermediate filament organization | establishment of localization | negative regulation of cellular process | cell differentiation | cellular process | secretion | leukocyte degranulation | localization | negative regulation of cellular metabolic process | tissue development | cell junction assembly | regulation of cellular process | leukocyte activation | regulation of metabolic process | epithelium development | cellular component organization | cornification | response to stimulus | neutrophil degranulation | leukocyte activation involved in immune response | programmed cell death | supramolecular fiber organization | secretion by cell | negative regulation of metabolic process | cellular component assembly | system development | multicellular organism development | leukocyte mediated immunity | intermediate filament bundle assembly | regulation of gene expression | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | vesicle-mediated transport | epidermal cell differentiation | regulated exocytosis | epidermis development | keratinization | skin development | keratinocyte differentiation | cell communication | regulation of cellular metabolic process | cell activation involved in immune response | myeloid cell activation involved in immune response | neutrophil activation involved in immune response | regulation of RNA metabolic process | negative regulation of mRNA catabolic process | anatomical structure development | cell-cell junction assembly | intermediate filament-based process | cell adhesion | immune response | cell death | animal organ development | regulation of mRNA catabolic process | cytoskeleton organization | cell-cell adhesion | cell activation | signaling | developmental process | organelle organization | intermediate filament cytoskeleton organization | neutrophil mediated immunity | epithelial cell differentiation | positive regulation of metabolic process | immune system process | signal transduction | positive regulation of gene expression | multicellular organismal process | cell-cell junction organization

GO Cellular Component

secretory granule | intermediate filament | supramolecular fiber | intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | adherens junction | organelle membrane | tertiary granule | cytoplasmic vesicle | cell | nuclear lumen | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | intermediate filament cytoskeleton | secretory granule membrane | ficolin-1-rich granule membrane | cell-cell adherens junction | cell-cell junction | cornified envelope | protein-containing complex | secretory vesicle | endomembrane system | nucleoplasm | plasma membrane | ribonucleoprotein complex | vesicle | membrane-bounded organelle | nucleus | organelle | vesicle membrane | messenger ribonucleoprotein complex | cell periphery | membrane-enclosed lumen | desmosome | intracellular vesicle | cytoskeleton | intracellular | cell junction | membrane | supramolecular complex | cytoplasmic vesicle membrane