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QuickView for APOA1;jsessionid=0DEC34922ACD7887AF8D53E702C11070;jsessionid=C46669D9FFE45422B656128AE50CB151;jsessionid=C6E3411AE52C01A2D18318734A343E22;jsessionid=8324834BD6BAC802C02B685AD719F8D0;jsessionid=BA9B3844B8F75B0BFC51FF3AD577FEDB;jsessionid=54C3E4BC5C43BD13AEB525C837BBA3FB;jsessionid=47BE6B9D239EF496FAD43D3ADB9F930A;jsessionid=44D6FAD8D161C96CF355E7FEB3F37EF7 (gene)

Gene Symbol:
Apoa1 Rattus norvegicus Rattus norvegicus
Full name:
apolipoprotein A1
apoA-I, apolipoprotein A-I, apo-AI, apolipoprotein A-1, preproapolipoprotein A-I
Genomic Location:
major component of high density lipoprotein (HDL) that is involved in intercellular cholesterol transport in astrocytes; cofactor for lecithin cholesterolacyltransferase (LCAT)
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Macaca mulatta Bos taurus Danio rerio Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Canis lupus familiaris
External Links:
Entrez Gene

Transcripts Names
Protein Names

GO Molecular Function

enzyme activator activity | peptide binding | amyloid-beta binding | phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase activator activity | chemorepellent activity | enzyme binding | protein-containing complex binding | lipoprotein particle receptor binding | lipid binding | sterol binding | enzyme inhibitor activity | signaling receptor binding | phospholipid binding | cholesterol transporter activity | alcohol binding | molecular function regulator | lipoprotein particle binding | apolipoprotein A-I receptor binding | phospholipid transporter activity | anion binding | amide binding | lipase inhibitor activity | transporter activity | identical protein binding | high-density lipoprotein particle receptor binding | sterol transporter activity | ion binding | organic cyclic compound binding | cholesterol binding | apolipoprotein receptor binding | high-density lipoprotein particle binding | protein binding | receptor regulator activity | receptor ligand activity | enzyme regulator activity | steroid binding | heat shock protein binding | lipid transporter activity | small molecule binding

GO Biological Process

response to extracellular stimulus | regulation of supramolecular fiber organization | regulation of interleukin-1 beta production | response to nutrient levels | negative regulation of immune system process | positive regulation of Ras protein signal transduction | extracellular structure organization | positive regulation of cellular component organization | cell motility | regulation of cell morphogenesis | negative regulation of peptide secretion | intracellular signal transduction | regulation of cholesterol transport | enzyme activator activity | regulation of cell development | protein stabilization | regulation of localization | lipid transport | negative regulation of lipase activity | peptidyl-amino acid modification | triglyceride catabolic process | protein oxidation | establishment of localization | blood vessel endothelial cell migration | regulation of immune system process | lipid storage | negative regulation of cellular process | integrin-mediated signaling pathway | positive regulation of developmental process | cell differentiation | nervous system development | response to drug | epithelial cell migration | protein-lipid complex assembly | neurogenesis | positive regulation of cell adhesion | negative regulation of protein secretion | regulation of organelle organization | generation of neurons | phospholipid metabolic process | regulation of lipid transport | sterol metabolic process | cellular process | organic substance catabolic process | negative regulation of inflammatory response | localization | phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase activator activity | negative regulation of signaling | neuron development | anion homeostasis | epithelium migration | triglyceride metabolic process | regulation of embryonic development | chemorepellent activity | anion transport | negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway | regulation of digestive system process | macromolecule localization | regulation of response to cytokine stimulus | negative regulation of secretion | acylglycerol catabolic process | response to growth factor | positive regulation of catalytic activity | endothelial cell proliferation | negative regulation of establishment of protein localization | regulation of cell differentiation | regeneration | regulation of immune response | regulation of cellular process | negative regulation of interleukin-1 production | regulation of metabolic process | negative regulation of cytokine secretion | catabolic process | negative regulation of cell adhesion molecule production | organic cyclic compound metabolic process | steroid biosynthetic process | cellular component organization | cellular lipid metabolic process | MAPK cascade | response to transforming growth factor beta | peptidyl-methionine modification | regulation of peptide secretion | response to stimulus | enzyme inhibitor activity | negative regulation of protein transport | signal transduction by protein phosphorylation | negative regulation of cell adhesion | response to stress | regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion | endothelial cell migration | cholesterol import | phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process | alcohol metabolic process | positive regulation of lipid biosynthetic process | positive regulation of actin filament bundle assembly | regulation of plasma lipoprotein particle levels | sterol homeostasis | cholesterol homeostasis | lipoprotein biosynthetic process | organic hydroxy compound transport | regulation of cholesterol esterification | cholesterol transporter activity | negative regulation of transport | regulation of protein transport | G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway | cellular component assembly | protein modification process | regulation of peptide transport | regulation of cell adhesion | cellular biosynthetic process | macromolecule modification | regulation of steroid metabolic process | molecular function regulator | positive regulation of stress fiber assembly | locomotion | organic hydroxy compound metabolic process | system development | nitrogen compound metabolic process | regulation of signal transduction | positive regulation of organelle organization | negative regulation of secretion by cell | regulation of protein stability | regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization | multicellular organism development | negative regulation of catalytic activity | cell migration | regulation of intestinal cholesterol absorption | phosphorus metabolic process | regulation of actin filament organization | phospholipid transporter activity | regulation of catalytic activity | vitamin transport | lipid metabolic process | regulation of actomyosin structure organization | regulation of intestinal absorption | regulation of phosphorylation | regulation of hormone levels | regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction | axon development | organic substance transport | cellular response to stress | organophosphate metabolic process | negative regulation of cytokine production | positive regulation of cellular metabolic process | response to axon injury | sterol biosynthetic process | phospholipid biosynthetic process | positive regulation of Rho protein signal transduction | regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process | regulation of cell-substrate adhesion | enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway | small molecule metabolic process | positive regulation of intracellular signal transduction | lipase inhibitor activity | response to nutrient | positive regulation of hydrolase activity | negative regulation of heterotypic cell-cell adhesion | positive regulation of cell differentiation | positive regulation of steroid metabolic process | regulation of Rho protein signal transduction | cell proliferation | biosynthetic process | sterol transporter activity | sterol transport | plasma lipoprotein particle assembly | neuron projection regeneration | cholesterol biosynthetic process | regulation of cellular protein metabolic process | negative regulation of immune response | organic anion transport | phosphorylation | triglyceride homeostasis | lipid biosynthetic process | negative regulation of interleukin-1 secretion | cholesterol transport | cholesterol efflux | endocrine system development | protein phosphorylation | phosphate-containing compound metabolic process | very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling | regulation of interleukin-1 production | response to estrogen | negative regulation of cell-cell adhesion | cell communication | regulation of cellular metabolic process | transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway | cellular lipid catabolic process | phospholipid homeostasis | lipoprotein metabolic process | regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway | positive regulation of cytoskeleton organization | regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response | regulation of protein metabolic process | positive regulation of signal transduction | positive regulation of cholesterol esterification | peripheral nervous system axon regeneration | homeostatic process | regulation of protein phosphorylation | reverse cholesterol transport | plasma lipoprotein particle remodeling | regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway | glycerolipid metabolic process | regulation of lipid biosynthetic process | neutral lipid catabolic process | positive regulation of molecular function | cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus | regulation of cytokine secretion | neuron differentiation | phospholipid transport | regulation of signaling receptor activity | receptor regulator activity | protein-containing complex assembly | regulation of cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | protein metabolic process | regulation of establishment of protein localization | response to organic substance | gland development | regulation of Cdc42 protein signal transduction | neutral lipid metabolic process | glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process | epithelial cell proliferation | response to wounding | regulation of intracellular signal transduction | phospholipid efflux | anatomical structure development | cell surface receptor signaling pathway | negative regulation of response to cytokine stimulus | positive regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction | cell projection organization | metabolic process | lipid localization | positive regulation of cell development | positive regulation of supramolecular fiber organization | regulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion | cholesterol metabolic process | oxidation-reduction process | regulation of cytokine secretion involved in immune response | high-density lipoprotein particle remodeling | adrenal gland development | regulation of cell-cell adhesion involved in gastrulation | chemical homeostasis | regulation of secretion | receptor ligand activity | neuron projection development | lipid catabolic process | positive regulation of cellular component biogenesis | regulation of intestinal lipid absorption | organic substance metabolic process | animal organ development | positive regulation of cell-substrate adhesion | regulation of protein secretion | phosphatidylcholine metabolic process | ion homeostasis | regulation of phosphate metabolic process | negative regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle remodeling | transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway | regulation of stress fiber assembly | steroid metabolic process | regulation of cell communication | negative regulation of molecular function | negative regulation of signal transduction | signaling | glucocorticoid metabolic process | cell development | protein localization | cellular protein metabolic process | enzyme regulator activity | regulation of cytokine production | hormone metabolic process | regulation of Ras protein signal transduction | high-density lipoprotein particle assembly | cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process | regulation of actin filament bundle assembly | axon regeneration | regulation of developmental process | glycerophospholipid metabolic process | negative regulation of interleukin-1 beta secretion | developmental process | cellular protein modification process | acylglycerol homeostasis | negative regulation of cytokine secretion involved in immune response | negative regulation of interleukin-1 beta production | negative chemotaxis | regulation of gastrulation | regulation of transport | protein-lipid complex remodeling | regulation of cell-cell adhesion | ERK1 and ERK2 cascade | negative regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway | negative regulation of hydrolase activity | regulation of lipid metabolic process | triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle remodeling | positive regulation of metabolic process | regulation of actin filament-based process | lipid transporter activity | positive regulation of lipid metabolic process | ion transport | sterol import | cellular metabolic process | ameboidal-type cell migration | cellular response to organic substance | regulation of protein localization | regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading | positive regulation of cell morphogenesis involved in differentiation | acylglycerol metabolic process | regulation of inflammatory response | chemotaxis | lipid homeostasis | positive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading | regulation of cellular component organization | regulation of cytoskeleton organization | positive regulation of signaling | signal transduction | regulation of signaling | animal organ regeneration | cellular response to growth factor stimulus | macromolecule metabolic process | multicellular organismal process | regulation of phosphorus metabolic process

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | cytoplasmic vesicle | cell | spherical high-density lipoprotein particle | cytoplasm | intracellular organelle | lipoprotein particle | protein-containing complex | intermediate-density lipoprotein particle | protein-lipid complex | discoidal high-density lipoprotein particle | vesicle | extracellular region | membrane-bounded organelle | low-density lipoprotein particle | nucleus | organelle | very-low-density lipoprotein particle | high-density lipoprotein particle | extracellular space | plasma lipoprotein particle | intracellular vesicle | cell surface | endocytic vesicle | intracellular | chylomicron