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QuickView for ActB;jsessionid=1E5E744B748EBBE35C8FA8F85B89BB7D (gene)

Gene Symbol:
ACTB Bos taurus Bos taurus
Full name:
actin, beta
Genomic Location:
Chr 25: 40635163-40638584
Homo sapiens Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus D. melanogaster Gallus gallus Pan troglodytes Danio rerio Canis lupus familiaris
External Links:
Entrez Gene
Transcription Factor
Binding Sites:

GO Molecular Function

structural molecule activity | kinase binding | protein kinase binding | enzyme binding | ribonucleotide binding | nucleotide binding | carbohydrate derivative binding | ATP binding | cytoskeletal protein binding | anion binding | adenyl nucleotide binding | kinesin binding | purine nucleotide binding | identical protein binding | ion binding | organic cyclic compound binding | purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding | protein binding | transcription factor binding | structural constituent of cytoskeleton | nitric-oxide synthase binding | structural constituent of postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton | purine ribonucleotide binding | adenyl ribonucleotide binding | drug binding | heterocyclic compound binding | Tat protein binding | small molecule binding

GO Biological Process

actin filament-based process | cell motility | regulation of cellular localization | regulation of localization | actin cytoskeleton organization | regulation of protein localization to membrane | response to drug | cellular process | localization | regulation of binding | cellular response to organonitrogen compound | cellular component organization | response to stimulus | regulation of cellular protein localization | cellular response to toxic substance | cellular response to organic cyclic compound | response to mycotoxin | locomotion | response to nitrogen compound | synapse organization | negative regulation of binding | response to toxic substance | cellular response to drug | negative regulation of protein binding | cellular response to mycotoxin | postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton organization | response to organic substance | structural constituent of cytoskeleton | regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane | structural constituent of postsynaptic actin cytoskeleton | regulation of norepinephrine uptake | cytoskeleton organization | cellular response to cytochalasin B | negative regulation of molecular function | regulation of protein binding | response to organic cyclic compound | regulation of transmembrane transporter activity | organelle organization | regulation of transport | response to organonitrogen compound | cellular response to organic substance | regulation of protein localization

GO Cellular Component

intracellular membrane-bounded organelle | catalytic complex | adherens junction | focal adhesion | cell | nuclear lumen | ribonucleoprotein granule | histone acetyltransferase complex | cytoplasm | cortical cytoskeleton | H4/H2A histone acetyltransferase complex | cell-substrate junction | intracellular organelle | actin cytoskeleton | protein-containing complex | nucleoplasm | plasma membrane | ribonucleoprotein complex | transferase complex | cytoplasmic region | cell cortex | membrane-bounded organelle | dense body | nucleus | organelle | cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule | cell periphery | membrane-enclosed lumen | protein acetyltransferase complex | cell-substrate adherens junction | cytosol | cytoskeleton | intracellular | cell junction | myelin sheath | membrane | NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex